The Southern Lights

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Xie pov:


I exhaled soflty as I stopped cultivating... then an old lady who was a seer said "You must stop this. Xie Yan..." Then an old man entered and said "If you fall then balance between the nations will not be the same. Korra must suffer the backlash of the Avatar cycle being broken! We haven't seen the path you saw but it was enough to know it was terrifying the moment your qi going haywire and coughing blood. You cannot save her! You will suffer the backlash of changing destiny!" Then I closed my eyes and saw images of Korra as well as memories of the past before saying "I'll accept whatever punishment."

End of Flashback-

I woke up to Tonraq shouting "Xie Yan! They are leaving. We have to go now." I then yawned as I stretched before walking out. Tonraq said "Can't you teleport?" I then said "There's a limit of how far I can teleport at a time. It uses a decent amount of Qi." Then I watched Tonraq ride off in his vehicle. I then faded as Kynee and Nox landed on my shoulders sleepily...

Outside Water Tribe-

I stopped and slide as I came to a stop as Tonraq and Unalaq argued. Unalaq said "Tonraq, what do you want?" Tonraq said "I heard you're taking Korra to the south Pole. I'm coming." Then Unalaq shouted "Absolutely Not. You're a distraction to Korra. And a hindrance to what needs to done." Tonraq said "My daughter is not going without me. She needs someone to watch after her." Then korra came before saying "Dad, why do you always think you know what's best for me?" Unalaq said "Because he-" I then said "Quiet Unalaq." Then Unalaq frowned but said "Because he's misguided. It's people like your father who have put the spirit world out of balance. He's ignored my warnings in the past and hasn't learned since." Korra said "What happened in the past?" Tonraq said "It doesn't matter. What matters is the Everstorm." I then was surprised before saying "It's happening this time?" Mako said "What's the everstorm?" Then Tonraq said "It's a massive blizzard that's battered the south Pole for decades. I'm coming, unless you think you can stop me." Then I heard Bolin far away causing me to turn my head... seeing Bolin on a similar vehicle as Tonraq had. Bolin grinned as he said "Check it out. I'm traveling in style." Then I snickered as he hit the throttle and launched slightly forth before saying "Whoa! Okay, I'm sorry. Still getting used to that throttle." Then they conversed as Bolin said "He also gave me this fancy snowsuit. It's inflatable with internal heater, emergency beacon, and food ration pouch. I mean if I gey lost, I can survive in this thing for like a month.who wants some freeze-dried cucumber-quats? Nobody?" Then I saw Kynee and Nox disappeared as Pabu was going to emerge grabbing said cucumbers slices before landing on the snow before Pabu hissed causing me to be amused only to stop when Kynee and Nox were amused before they took a bite only to cough it out. I then said "Wa-" Bolin got slapped by both foxes before they appeared on my shoulder in restrained anger as Bolin held his reddened cheeks then I saw Pabu grabbed the leftovers before hiding in Bolin's snowsuit. I then walked foward and Naga bows her head slightly as I pat her soflty.

3rd pov:

Korra watched as Xie was smiling soflty before he said "Good girl." Then Korra felt butterflies in her stomach... Then Xie backed away as he said "I'll give you some treats after we return." Then Naga wagged her tails excitedly as Xie walked off towards the camel that the twins left before hopping on.

Xie yan pov:

I was amused as we were in a cave and Bolin said "Can we not talk about evil spirits, please?" Mako said "My brother doesn't like ghost stories." Then I snickered causing everyone look at me and my moonlight foxes laughing causing Bolin to shout "Xie! It's not fu-" I then cleared my throat as I said "Sorry Bolin. I tried to hold it off." Then Eska said "Don't worry. I will protect you, my feeble turtle-duck." I snorted before Bolin said "Thank you." Then Unalaq began telling the tale of Tonraq and Unalaq's past. Bolin said "Whoa. So you were supposed to be chief, then he became chief. No wonder you guys don't like each other." Then Nox appeared on his head before smacking his face causing him to shout "Ow! Isn't that what happened?" Korra got up and said "I cant believe you kept this from me." Tonraq replied " I wad protecting you from the shame brought on the family." Korra said "Why do you keep hiding things from me and then telling me it's for my own protection? I'm tired of you protecting me." Then she walked away causing Tonraq to say "Korra." Then I got up before walking out. I then said "Korra I know you're angry he never told you about his past but he only did what anyone would have done to protect what he cares for. Yes he was ashamed of the outcome with the spirits but you have to see his point of view. Enemies were sighted. He responded without knowing these things would happen." Then Korra glared and stormed off on Nala.

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