A new Spiritual Age

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3rd pov:

The adults sat down keeping watch as Korra and Jinora as Xie Yan cultivated to replenish his energy. Tenzin said "i can't believe my little girl had to guide korra into the spirit world instead of me. If anything happens to her I won't be able to forgive myself." Kya said "She's very smart, and she obviously has a strong connection to the spirits. She'll be fine." Bumi said "Yeah, dad went all the time." Tenzin said "They won't have their bending in there. They'll be defenseless." Bumi cleared his throat "Excuse me, but I've never had bending and I don't think I'd call myself defenseless." Tenzin said "Of course you aren't, because you have your, um..." Kya intervened "Positive Actitude?" Then Xie's voice said "Intelligence. Even without bending if you are smart enough to make countermeasures and attack plans it would make you a fearsome opponent even to Benders." Then Bumi said "I would have said acute intellect and catlike reflexes, but whatever." Then Xie continued cultivating. Before they went to sleep bumi said "I'm just saying we're here if you need us." They smiled as Tenzin said "I know you are. Thank you." He got up before approaching Jinora's sitting figure before caressing her head as he whispered "Please come back soon."

Spirit World-

Korra and Jinora opened their eyes to find themselves in a different place... jinora said "isn't it beautiful?" Korra said "Just stick close to me, okay? This seems nice, but you never know when we'll run into some dark spirits." Then Korra touched a flower which caused it to react and she pulled away as she said "Huh." The butterfly flies forth causing Jinora to laugh as she said "Look! It's like it's made of jewels. The spirits are so much more beautiful in their own world than they are at home." She rushed off chasing it causing Korra to say "Jinora, be careful. Hold on." Then Korra rushed forth before Jinora got too far away. Then she stepped in a hole causing her to grunt before she was pushed as she stumbled to keep her balance as a spirit said "Watch where you're going, you giant clod." Korra said "Sorry." The spirit said "This is a residential area, in case you hadn't noticed. Who do you think you are, stomping through here like that?" Korra crossed her arms as she said "I'm the Avatar." Another spirit appeared... as it said "The Avatar." Then sniffed korra before saying "Not impressed." Korra said "I'm trying to find the spirit portals? I opened one--" another spirit popped up as he said "I heard Unalaq did that." Korra turned to face him as she said "No, I did, but--" another popped up as he said "Well, if you opened, how come you don't know where it is, huh?" Korra sighs before saying "B-B-Because I was at the south Pole." Another popped up as he said "I don't trust her." Another came out as it said "Get out of our world." More popped up before she tried to bend which was unsuccessful causing her to get confused. One of them said "Did you guys see that? She tried to bend at us. In our own home. Get her!" Then many launched forth towards Korra. Then she shouted "Jinora." Jinora turned as she shouted "Korra! Stay calm. Your energy is upsetting them." She rushed towards Korra as she shouted "You're only making it worse." Jinora tried to help Korra but couldn't. They were surrounded as the ground sucked them in... into what seemed to be under water... they reached each other as a spirit swallowed them before they were flowing down a river before getting separated...


Korra was in her child like form when a bird came at her causing her to swat it as she shouted "Get away!" Then she saw it was a baby bird and it's wing was injured as Korra crawled forth as the hawk squeaked at her. Korra said "I'm sorry i swatter you. You just scared me." Tben she picked her up as a light shines as a voice said "You two look lost. Maybe I can help you." Korra eyes widened as she recognised him before she said "I know you." Iroh said "I was good friends with Avatar Aang." Korra said "Iroh." Iroh said "Hello, Korra." As he smiled soflty as he lead Korra towards a tea party.


Jinora spoke with the guardian of the library. Then it flew away as it found out the Avatar was in the spirit world before heading to inform Unalaq.
Jinora found the story about Vaatu before being confronted by Unalaq... She tried to back away but was caught as she looked back in fear as she said "Furry foot?"

Edge of Mountain-

Korra aimed to return the dragon spirit home but she was confronted by spirits before she continued as she spoke to them causing the spirits to change and become friendly at her causing Korra to smile and walked forth as they followed her to the peak. She then placed down the spirit on the nest next to the other baby spirits. Then the 4 spirits fused before flying out and off as Korra turned to her real appearing before the spirits helped them find Jinora.

Spirit Portal-

Korra reached the spirit portal as the spirits behind her were watching her. Korra heard a voice which said "So you've returned, Raava." Then Korra felt the spirit world shift as she appeared in front of a tree with Vaatu sealed inside... Vaatu said "The harmonic convergence is coming soon, and this time, I'm going to wipe you out for good." Korra said "i think you've said that before, Vaatu, but I'm here to close the portal. You're not getting out." Then she turned before walking away. Vaatu said "You might want to reconsider, that is, if you want to save your friend." She then rushed as Unalaq walked out from the side of tree. He then spirit bended to show Jinora... Jinora panted nervously as Korra was worried as she said "Jinora." Korra rushed forth to save her but a spirit landed in front of her hissing at Korra. More spirits surrounded her... korra said "i can't believe I trusted you. You made me think you wanted to restore balance with the spirits. But this, this isn't balance. Its madness. Now let her go." Unalaq said "If you want your friend to make it out of the spirit world, you'll open the other portal now." Jijora shouted "Don't do it, Korra." Then Unalaq began corrupting Jinora's soul as he spirit bended. Korra gasps before Unalaq who was amused said "What will it be? Open the portal, or lose your friend's soul forever?" The corruption reached Jinora's face... korra shouted "Stop! I'll do it." Then she went to the spirit portal that was sealed before placing her palm on it as she went Avatar state... The glow exploded as it opened which caused the tree Vaatu was sealed in to open causing a red shockwave outwards causing the spirits to grow in madness as they screamed. The portal had been opened so korra looks at Unalaq as she said "Now, let Jinora go." Then Unalaq water bended attacking Korra. Her arm was hurt as Unalaq said "You should have come through the portal. And you could do this." Then fired another water whip which made her groan... she tried to dodge a few... The spirit holding Jinora jumped away as it flew...

Outside the Spirit World-

Xie pov:

I snapped awake as I sensed the corruption aswell as the sealed portal was opened causing me to say "They've opened the other portal... Something went wrong." Then I inhale before closing my eyes before entering the Spirit World.

Spirit World-

I opened my eyes to find Unalaq smirking as he corrupted Korra... I then dashed forth grabbing Korra before appeared on the creature holding Jinora swinging my fist down slamming it down as it let go of Jinora before using soul qi to destroy the corruption causing her to gasp as both were relieved... Vaatu said "I'll see you soon, Raava. Once the Convergence ends I'll be free from this prison. And then i will have my revenge." Then a light pierced me causing me to tense before I used soul qi to send both Korra and Jinora into the Physical world. I heard Vaatu said "Moonlight Foxes..." Then I snapped awake.

Outside World-

I snapped awake and saw Korra and Jinora were okay...

3rd pov:

Korra and the others saw Xie was tense before their eyes widened as blood slipped from the side of Xie's mouth as Xie said "No one is allowed to go into the spirit world unless we're going there physically..." Then Korra gasped as she rushed forth and shouted "What happened?!" Then Xie said "I was attacked by someone different..." Then Korra was trembling as Xie smiled weakly... Xie said "I just need rest..." Tenzin heard from Jinora that Xie saved her from Unalaq which he held back tears before seeing Xie was growing weaker... Then he dashed forth to catch him as he fall... Korra said "No! Xie?" Then Xie fainted causing everyone to panic as Kynee and Nox whimpered as Xie's soul was badly injured... Both Foxes faded into the mind world.

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