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Xie Yan pov:

I lightly jumped off the ship as Lin said "Welcome home, Avatar. Thanks for starting a war." Korra then said "I didn't start a war. Well, I did, but it's more complicated than you're making it seem." Lin said "Mako, I want you back on the beat. There's going to be a southern water tribe peace march tonight. I need you there to make sure things don't get out of hand." Mako agreed which korra did too but I said "Korra. The Avatar can't choose sides. The trust would be lost since the Avatar would be biased." Then they left. I then thought 'should go cultivate in quiet... The Qi used during the collisions weren't low." I then appeared on the Air Temple Island before exhaling...

Air Temple Island-

I then sat before I began to cultivate....

3rd pov:

Unknown to Xie Yan as he began to rise from the ground as he cultivates. Xie Yan was floating mid air as he focused in cultivating to replenish his qi aswell. Then his memories shattered revealing the truth of his origin and identity... Xie said "Why did I forget?" Xie then swings his fist striking his cheek causing a shockwave to blast outwards.... Then he slowly stood up and spat out blood before he whispered "I should deal with the Demonic Cult. They have descended down here for a reason... A weapon that's unparalleled in all the realms..." Then Kynee and Nox appeared confused when Xie glanced at them. Then he said "It's okay. I won't let anyone hurt you." Then he saw they were afraid but not for themselves but Xie Yan.

Xie Yan pov:

I sighed before heading to the baths and used qi to toss both foxes who tried to escape into the water. I then said "I extracted the impure qi from within me during cultivation causing us to smell. We need to wash up before heading to see the others."


Republic City-

I walked through the streets before reaching the council building which lead to the President's room. I entered without caring causing The President to shout "Who da-" Then I saw he became silent and shocked at my presence. I then said "I'm only here to oversee this meeting." Then he nodded before he returned his attention towards Korra. Korra said "We need you to send the United forces to help." The president said "I'm very concerned by what's happening down there, but I don't think it's the republic's place to intervene with internal Tribe matters." Korra said "Unalaq isn't even the rightful ruler of the water tribe. He lied his way onto the northern throne." Varrick said "Mr.President. the Republic City is already involved in this conflict. The North attacked our cultural center last night." The president said "Believe me, we are doing everything in our power to bring the people responsible to justice." Korra said "The people responsible? Who else would it be but the northerners?" The meeting continued on. The president said "Sending troops is not something I can do at this time, but I promise I will work with Unalaq and the South  for a diplomatic solution." He then stood up before saying "Now, I'm sorry, but my mind is made up. This meeting is over." Korra said "My family is going to be wiped out, and it'll be on your head for doing nothing about it." Then she left as Varrick followed her. I saw her hand trembled but felt warmth filled her as she saw my aura calming her down. I closed the door behind her and waited until she was far enough. I then said "I know you have a responsibility towards this city but Unalaq is planning something dangerous. He's allied with the Demonic Cult." Then The President tensed before he said "You made yourself the target. The World Known Figures Who Wanted To Fight You Will Rise To Make Your Demise." Then I said "Hear My Warning. Send Out A Few Battleships." Then I turn and left.

Mako's Home-

I entered the room and witnessed the drama unfold as Kynee and Nox had popcorn to eat as they watched the argument. Korra said "I cant believe the president is doing nothing. He--he doesn't even care." Mako who was sitting down while he watched korra pace back and forth said "I'm sure he cares, but he can't just tell his people to go fight a battle at the south Pole that has nothing to do with them." Korra turned to face him furious as she said "How could you take his side?" Mako offended said "What's with you and sides? Why do you always think I'm working against you?" Korra said "Well, you're not helping me. I'm trying to get troops to the south. What are you doing?" Mako said "I'm doing my job." Korra laughed as she said "Well, Excuse me, officer. Don't let me stand in the way of you writing tickets. I'm just trying to save the world." Mako shouted "Well, you wouldn't have to if you didn't keep messing it up." Korra stormed out as she said "I can't talk to you when you're like this." Then she slammed the door closed behind her as Mako sat down and groaned before shouting "You're the one who's like this!" He looked up to see I was on a sofa eating popcorn with Nox and Kynee. I said "I've been friends with Korra since I was 4. The amount of arguments and fights that happened through those times is worse than this. You both just need to cool off. I'm heading to speak to Korra." Then I walked to the door but stopped when I heard Mako said "Thank you, Xie Yan." Then I left the room.

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