The Revelation

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Nox pov:

Air Temple Island-

I was meditating to find a solution to creating the finger of nirvana since it was a powerful healing technique. Heaven Defying. I then spent hours in my mind realm fighting myself to the near point of death before using finger of nirvana and a gold glow appeared on my middle and forefinger and I tap my chest and healed all my wounds and scars and my energy came back which meant I was in peak condition. Then I thought 'At the moment the level of this skill can be improved but for now it can save someone from one breath away from death. I should be able to use this skill 10 times on anyone other than myself. This skill takes a a tenth of my qi.' I then smiled at my new skill invention. Kynee and Nox purred as I scratched behind their ear. I then said "it took 4 years to create the three skills. Finger of Flower Sword
Finger of Mind Sword
Finger of Nirvana.

I then began my morning exercise which worked my entire body. When I finished with my morning routine. Deciding to use finger of nirvana and grinned victoriously as my fatigue disappeared instantly and I regained my peak condition.

Pro Bending Training Room-

I was amused as Korra said "The Morning is Evil." Then a man named Butakha came and informed us about the fee for the tournament and Bolin said "You wouldn't happen to have a secret Avatar bank account overflowing with gold would you?" And korra said "I got nothing. I've never really needed money." Then I saw Mako's expression shift as he said "Then I wouldn't say you have nothing." And then Korra apologised.

Air Temple Island-

I heard Korra and Mako talk about Bolin missing which seemed unusual. I then saw Nox and Kynee were sleeping and they faded into my mind realm as they rested. I then said "I'll be using Martial Arts for today then. I then walk to the door and saw Ikki and Jinora. Ikki said "Xie where are you going at this time?" I then said "To look for Bolin. Let your dad know, Jinora." And jinora nodded before they rushed off. I then headed off and faded and landed on the water and skipped off on the water as if I was on land. Since I've reached a certain stage in mastery of my water bending and frost bending. Then I turned into a ink aura dark light that skipped through the water.

Republic City-

I then walked forth as Mako and Korra got struck by two equalists. I then said "Did you already forget my training on chi blockers?" And Korra shouted "Xie! Watch out!" Then four equalists struck my chi points and then i remained unfazed and said "Is that all?" The equalists were flipped mid air instantly and they couldn't comprehend when it happened. I then struck their pressure points. And they fall before me as I took their masks off and I swing my hand and struck both korra and Mako. They used their bending to see it worked... I then said "Where did you tak-" and Mako grabbed the guy and shouted "Where is my brother!?"

Then the 4 equalist got arrested which we continued the search only to end up with us staying in the park. Mako the told us his story. Then I saw both ended up falling sleep and I sighed softly before looking up at the stars. I then thought 'She's made reliable friends.' I then closed my eyes and exhaled soflty before slowly falling sleep.


I woke up to the rally and the speaker talking about Amon and the equalists. I then heard Mako and Korra waking up and scream before they scrambled away from each other. I soundless landed between them and said "We can find out information from the speaker of the rally." We then interrogated the speaker and saw a guard approaching causing us to rush off as I grabbed fliers that the speaker dropped since I saw a weird design on the back of the flier.

We then talked and I looked at the back of the fliers and tilt my head to the side confused... Then Mako picked them up and lifted them to a map of Republic City... Mako then said "Bingo! That must be where its going down." Then grinned at korra as she smiled back. We then rushed.

We then infiltrated the meeting and saw Amon and his equalists before he began talking about his past aswell as his purpose. I then heard of his ability to take bending which caused me to heightened my curiosity and assessment of his level of threat to Republic City. Then we watched him introduce Zolt but also his crimes before Zolt was released and said "You're gonna regret this, Pal." And began firing fire balls which Amon dodged successfully before closing the distance between them which led Zolt to fire lightning which my eyes followed Amon's speed became faster as he dodged rapidly before capturing his wrist and effortlessly moved it to the side before restraining him. Zolt was pushed to his knees as Amon restrained him and pressed his thumb on his forehead as lightning spark out of his hand still before flames flow out then nothing... I then watched Zolt dropped as if he received a mental shock... then zolt got up before trying to fire bending but was unsuccessful and he said "Wh-What did you do to me?!" And Amon said "You'd Fire Bending is gone forever." Then he looks at the crowd and said "The era of bending is over. A new era of equality has begun." Then we talked about plans which I then followed Korra as she did her job and turned when she heard steps before seeing the doorman was unconscious. I then said "Let's go." I then saw an equalist striking Mako down and Korra used earth bending to sent him hitting the wall. Korra then said " I wouldn't count us out yet." Then the equalist fainted and Korra whistled before shouting "Naga!" I then watched naga rushed towards us. I then saw her bark before Korra helped Mako and they got on Naga as Equalists were rushing towards us. I then faded and landed on an Equalist's shoulder before jumping and flipping mid air before I began destroying their forces. I then heard Korra shout "Xie come on!" I then jumped back as Naga rushed back and landed soflty on her back before looking at the Liutenant Equalist and Amon looking at us. I then waved amused before turning to look forward seeing Naga had caught Bolin's clothes. I then said "Bolin your comfortable?" And Korra huffed amused and Mako smiled slightly.

Air Temple Island-

I stood as Korra and Tenzin talked before she went off to bed. I then heard Tenzin said "This sounds impossible... the only one who could take people's bending away was my father..." I then said "This is definitely increasing the threat level he poses. His definitely a mastered chi blocker user. His speed from what I've seen is enough dodge lightning from a firebender." I then walk forth intending to go inside. Tenzin said "Are you afraid?" And I stopped before saying "I've reached a point in my life where the emotions in me have died as I grew up." And tenzin said "Try to open up. See the wider world. The good and the bad." Then I said "I've seen it all. There's no need to try and lecture me Tenzin." And he sighed as I left. He softly said "I wished they didn't send you off to become a war lord. You may be recognised and looked up to but as time passed the little emotions you still had left since you were a child have been hidden..."


I sigh soflty when I heard Naga whimper and left my room and entered Korra's room and saw her trembling. I then used my spiritual aura and entered her nightmare.


I appeared in Korra's room and slaughtered all Equalists and said "Korra wake up. You're okay. I'm not letting anyone hurt you." Then Amon lifted his hand only for me to grab his wrist and my pupils glow light blue and i said "Wake up." Then light exploded....

Real world-

Korra sat up and began breathing heavily as she saw me and hugged me and I held her as she slowly relaxed. She then said "Sorry for worrying you..." I then said "I won't let him anywhere near you Korra."

Then I left the room before heading to my room. I then yawned and thought "Nox and Kynee are sleeping still?" Kynee and Nox appeared on my shoulder and were hyper active which caused me to groan before saying "Either go play somewhere else or sleep." And then Kynee and Nox faded into my mind realm before they spent their time doing whatever they want.

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