When Extremes Meet

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Xie pov:

I stood next to Ikki and Korra as Mako and the others got off the ship as Acolytes brought Asami's things down and we began to walk to Air temple. I then choked on a laugh when I saw Meelo stared at Asami in awe. Asami looked down at him which caused Meelo to say "You're Pretty. Can I have some of your hair?" And then Mako was amused as he said "Looks like I have some competition." I then chuckled as I said "This just made my day." Tnen Ikki spoke about the tour and Bolin said "I have a couple of questions. Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that were you train air bending?......." Then Ikki said "Yes, yes, no, no and 10,552." I then said "I've finally heard it all." Then Mako said "So where are we gonna be staying?" Meelo said "You're a boy. Boys have to stay on the boys' side." Jinora then said " I'd be happy to show you to the men's dormitory." Then Jinora began to lead the way as Mako and Bolin followed her as Bolin said "I'm a boy." Then Korra said "Meelo, why don't you go with the boys too?" And he walked forth but not before looking up at Asami and lifted his hand and said "We shall meet again soon, beautiful woman." Then rushed off. I then said "I'll be with Tenzin." I then lightly skipped great distances rapidly before landing softly in front of the air temple entrance. I then entered before saying " Beifong got replaced by someone else?" I then followed Tenzin as we talked. Then he knocked on a door and we heard Korra said "Ikki, I swear if you don't leave us alone- I'm gonna-" " Uh, Tenzin. Come right in." Tenzin entered followed by me as he said " Good Day, Ladies. Asami, Welcome to the island." Asami said " Thank you for having me." Tenzin said "Beifong's replacement, Saikhan, is going to be inducted as the new chief of police later. I think we should both be there."


Saikhan said "It was an honor serving under chief beifong for so many years, and I wish her a speedy recovery. It is with great humility that I take her place as the new chief of police. Republic City is facing a threat like none the world has ever seen. But there is one man who has been effective against Amon's revolution: Councilman Tarrlok. That is why all matters to do with equalists. I will report directly to him. The police department will lend any and all available resources to the councilman and his task force until we quell this insurgency." Korra (whispered to Tenzin and I) said " what is that weasel-snake tarrlok up to now?" Then we confronted Tarrlok about him using illegal methods to pocket Saikhan with him. And Tarrlok said "Oh, Tenzin, Always the conspiracy theorist. Did you ever consider Saikhan simply recognises my talents and wants what is best for this city?" Tenzin scoffed. Korra walked forth and Tarrlok said "Well, Avatar Korra, Long time, no see. Now that your little pro-bending distractions are over, I look forward to your return to my task force." Korra scoffed as I snickered while she said "Forget it. There's no way I'm rejoining your vanity project." Tarrlok said " that is unfortunate to hear. But I'm sure you'll come to your senses as you have in the past." Then korra said "Don't hold your breath, Bub. You know, Tenzin's been right about you all along. You played me, you played beifong, and now your playing the new chief too. Well I got news for you. You need me, but I don't need you. I'm The Avatar." My eyes lit up with pride and amusement. Tarrlok then said "You're not, in fact, the Avatar. You are merely a half-baked avatar-in-training. Which reminds me, how is your air bending going? Made any significant progress with that? I didn't think so." I then kicked his face and sent him slamming into his task force. Everyone's expressions was priceless but I saw Korra was in shock and was glad and amused as I said "Don't talk to her like that you bastard."

Air temple island-

I saw Korra sitting on the edge as she had tears. The others came and talked about being a team. And placed their hands together and Meelo appeared and farted on their hands and he shouted "Let's do it! What are we doing?" And everyone laughed.

We then got ready. And everyone jumped on Naga who growls and dropped not wanting to run with everyone on her back. Asami then brought out a car.

Republic City-

We then began dealing with crime and took down 4 equalists and reporters took photos before Tarrlok and the his task force. Tarrlok gave Korra a last warning for interfering with matters that didn't concern them. Then we left.

A few hours later:

I was sitting on the hood of the car when we heard the radio transmitter light up and spoke "All available units, please respond to the 5600 block of dragons flats borough. Equalists have taken to the streets. Consider them armed and dangerous. Proceed with caution." Then Bolin shouted " I call front!" As Asami got on the driver seat and I sat on the back sit. And Mako said "After you." And Korra said "What a gentleman. Thanks." And then she sat down on my left side and Mako sat on my right side. Then Asami fixed the mirrors before driving off. Korra then said "Why is the power out?" We the reached the location and saw multiple civilians were outside in the cold... The civilians asked Korra for help which she informed them she'd put a stop to this. I then frowned as people were getting arrested and Korra stopped them causing Tarrlok to growl in anger and looked at Asami and the others and sent a water whip but Asami was moved and her eyes widened as I pulled her behind me as I said "Tarrlok. You really wanna mess with me?" And Tarrlok grit his teeth as my pupils glow gold. I then saw a figure walked forth and said "Xie Yan will you fight me as well?" Then Kynee and Nox woke up when they smelled a familiar scent. Nox hissed and the power of the figure disappeared and a serpent like creature came out and was erased by Kynee's aura which lead to a green cyan orb glowing with aura flowing out. Nox then devoured it and faded as Kynee did too and I felt one of the seals of the back tattoo seal formation and i said "Let's retreat for now guys." Then we left.

Air Temple-

I sat on my bed and was stabilising my new aura...

A few hours later:

I opened my eyes as I felt something was happening. I then got outside and saw Korra sneaking off. I then followed her and reached Tarrlok's home. I then pushed her to the side as the door was blasted off and saw an old man... Korra said "Xie!" And I said you go deal with Tarrlok. I'll deal with him." And both my swords unsheath as my instinct sent me warning senses as I blocked his blade and my eyes widened as I said "You're distorting my senses... I can't seem to access my power...." Then I heard Korra's scream and lost focus and faded past him and swing my blade down on Tarrlok. Korra shouted "No!" And 4 figures appeared past me and I got a few slashes on me... I then got struck and sent Korra's way. I then grabbed her and got struck on the head and slammed the ground.

3rd pov:

The figure with red hair said "He came running when he heard your scream. To think the Supreme King would lose focus because of this young ava-" Then they all saw a flicker of pink aura and all figures were slaughtered except Tarrlok. Then Tarrlok gulped as he restrained us but more me than korra before getting us in a vehicle and driving off. I opened my eyes and said "I've used up all my qi using the finger of Flower Swords."

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