Skeleton in Closet

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Xie pov:


Satoshi was speaking to the crowd. He said "My equalist brothers and sisters. Amon has torn down the tyrannical bending government! He has declared bending illegal. And he has the Avatar on the run. Not even The Supreme King dares to take action against us! Our great leader has a vision for the future. One day soon, bending will no longer exist and we will live in a world where everyone is finally equal! The United forces are on their way right now to try and stop that dream. But we will prevail!" Then the crowd screamed in cheering. Then I watched as Korra and Mako turned and left the rally in their equalist suits. I then lightly jumped off the tree I was on causing Korra to say "Xie! You're meant to be wearing the equalist suit!" And i said "That suit stinks worse than Meelo's fart bending. There's no way I was wearing that!" And Korra shouted "Let's go. But don't think your safe from finishing this discussion!" Then she used earth bending to move a boulder revealing a secret entrance. I then rushed forth as they jumped down which I entered too before seeing the boulder move to seal the entry.


Korra said "Can you believe Hiroshi? "The avatar's on the run." I'm not running from anyone. Let's go back up there and knock some heads. They'll never know what hit them." I then said "Calm down, Korra. We'll fight them at the right time." Mako said "Relax. General iroh is coming with an entire fleet of battleships. Then Amon will be the one who's running." Korra sighed and said "I hate this being patience stuff." Then we reached the base and I saw Pabu and Bolin. Asami saw us and said "You three were gone a while." Mako said "We were doing reconnaissance." Asami said "Whatever." Then we got welcomed back by the homeless guy we met. Then he led us to have dinner. Then i heard bolin said "You are wise and noble hobo. Mmm. This is the best tasting street gruel I've ever had. Seriously." Hobo said "I culled it from the finest dumpster the city has to offer." Then Asami who had just taken a bite began choking and vomited before coughing. Then I snickering as she placed the place on the ground before Pabu began to eat. Then Asami noticed me snickering which caused her to elbow my side only to feel my body wasn't normal. Then she huffed slightly.

I then lean on Naga as Korra was trying to think. I then said "can't sleep?" Korra said "no, I gave this awful pit in my stomach." I then said "I know. Something felt off which caused me to go off to the waters. I found explosives." Her eyes widened and she said "Wh-" I then covered her mouth with my hand and said "I've dealt with them. They won't be a problem. Nox returned and will be patrolling the sea for a while to make sure no sea mines are there for when the battleships arrive." And korra sighed before saying "it's so crazy. A few months ago I was in the south Pole, practicing for my fire bending test. And now I'm in the middle of an all-out war." Then I thought 'This isn't a war..." I then heard Mako said "I know. We didn't even know each other then. And now, I can't imagine my life without you in it. You're the most loyal, brave, and selfless person I've ever known." I then got up and said "I'll leave you lovebirds alone." Then Korra tensed and Mako looked away.  Mako then watched me leave as korra said "I think your pretty incredible too, but you already knew that.'' They glance at each other smiling. Then Korra turned away before saying "I should probably try to get some sleep." Mako then said "Me too. Good night." He then left as korra said "Good night."


I faded skipping through buildings as I got followed by 4 assassins... I then dodged an arrow but it sliced the side of my ribs and I heard the child in my arms whimper as I faltered. I then tensed as the arrow had "Dragon Toxin." I then broke the length of the arrow only leaving the blade in me as I breathed heavily as i increased my speed but causing the poison to spread faster which caused the sleeping poison in me to awaken but not before I grabbed my heavenly sword before unsheathing it.

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