Out Of The Past

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Xie Yan pov:

Tarrlok used blood bending to levitate us into the metal box. I then saw korra trying to get out but then I said "try meditating. Find out what Aang was trying to show you." And Korra sighed and sat down and began meditating as I did too...

Memories- (3 year old Xie Yan)

I snapped awake and trembled as i felt pain in my back before seeing Kynee and Nox whimpering seeing me crying and whimpering. I swallowed roughly to parch my dry throat before whispering "Father can't know you're here. If he finds out you can materialise in the real world..." Then Kynee and Nox saw my back covered in whip slashes and marks... I then heard the metal door was being opened and I quickly said "Hide" Then both foxes faded and entered my mind realm... I then watched my mother entered the room before saying "Where are those damn foxes!?" And I flinched as she lowered her hand before I began trembling while breathing heavily and rapidly as she slapped me. Blood splattered on the ground as I hit the ground and I shakily said "I don't kn-" I got grabbed by the hair and she screamed "Don't lie to me! Tell me now while I'm being nice!"

2 years later:

I fell on the ground as I finally managed to escape from them...

I managed to escape the prison before Kynee and Nox used their power to hide me as I entered a ship heading away from this place

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I managed to escape the prison before Kynee and Nox used their power to hide me as I entered a ship heading away from this place...

A few days later:

I heard the gates open and sneaked out before being found by an old lady... I then said "H-Hello." And the woman said "Oh dear you must be freezing. Come on inside.' I then found out the old lady's name was Katara before I knew it time passed as I joined the white Lotus." Then I met Korra and her parents. I then heard a whisper...

Real World-

I snapped my eyes open and began breathing heavily. I saw hours had passed and korra was breathing heavily and trembling... I then soflty tap her forehead with my forefinger entering her mind.

Korra's Mind-

Yakone's Trial-

I watched as Yakone used bloodbending on everyone restraining their movements and saw toph beifong floating his way with the keys to his chains before releasing his against her will. He then began making them all lose consciousness. Yakone looked at Aang. Aang was lifted mid air as he said "Yakone, you won't get away with this." Yakone laughed at Aang's words before saying "Republic City is mine, Avatar. I'll be back one day to claim it." Then he clenched his fist before slamming Aang making him lose consciousness onto the stairs of the trial platform where the criminals take stand for their crimes and receive punishment. Yakone then began running to the exit before getting in a carriage outside before he began fleeing the scene. Meanwhile, Aang activated the Avatar State to wake up before rushing out to follow pursuit of Yakone using air bending. Then he caught up before sending a wind slash cutting the ropes connected to the horse. Then the carriage turned and flipped before crashing. Aang stood on a air sphere ball waiting for any movements from Yakone. The door of the carriage slammed opened and Yakone used blood bending and began twisting and controlling Aang's movements as Yakone jumped down and look down at Aang before saying "This time I'm gonna put you to sleep for good." Then intensified his movements causing Aang to scream in pain and Aang was suspended mid air as bones cracking were heard along his screams. Then when his body bent in their limit the Avatar state activated and overpowered Yakone's blood bending control... then aang landed soflty and used earth bending restraining Yakone's movements and he was restrained. Then Aang placer his thumb on Yakone's forehead and one hand on his shoulder before saying "I'm taking away your bending for good." Then the Avatar state came on again as Aang took Yakone's bending away before pulling away and exhaling soflty as he said "It's over."


Korra opened her eyes and said "Aang, this whole time, you were trying to warn me about Tarrlok." Then her eyes widened as she saw I was looking into her eyes and she flushed slightly as I said "You're okay." And then we heard the door creak open as footsteps came down and Tarrlok's voice said "My life is a disaster now, thanks to you." Then Korra smiled slightly as she said "So your little bloodbending secret is out?" Tarrlok growls as she continued "And I know how you bloodbent us without the full moon. You're Yakone's Son." And Tarrlok said "I was his son. But in order to win Republic City, I had to become someone else. My father failed because he tried to rule the city from its rotten underbelly. My plan was perfect. I was to be the city's savior. But you-- you ruined everything!" Then I heard the frustration and anger in his voice. Korra then said "Tarrlok, the jig is up, and you have nowhere to go." And Tarrlok said "Oh, No. No, I'll escape and start a new life. And you're coming as my hostage." Then korra shouted "You'll never get away with this!" As she struck the metal box. Then we heard Tarrlok shout "Amon!" Then Korra gasped and turned to me and saw my eyes closed and I was concentrating before pinning her to the wall and covered her mouth and her heart began beating heavily as I whispered "Quiet. We need a few more seconds...." Then she breathed in my scent as I whispered "Concentrate on gathering as much energy as possible. They'll open the cell to confirm your here." Then Amon said "It is time for you to be equalised." Tarrlok then said "You Fool. You've never faced bending like mine." Then we heard grunting from upstairs. Then I heard Tarrlok said "Huh?" Then I sensed cracking... then we heard Tarrlok's screams. Then Amon said "I'll take care of him. You four retrieve the Avatar. Do not underestimate her. Electrocute the box to knock her out before you open it." The liutenant said "My pleasure." Then footsteps came down the stairs. I then saw her look at her sleeve before locking eyes with me and I nod softly with amusement and pride in her quick thinking. Then she felt something in her stomach before I touched the walls and whispered "I'll try to lessen the electricity that touches you." Then the liutenant said "It's payback time." Then began electrocuting the cell and Korra screamed before the bulb exploded and she dropped. As my body was tensing and felt the effects of being electrocuted... then the liutenant said "Open the box." The door was opened to reveal Korra lying on the ground... then he said "Tie her up." Then she swings her leg and flames burst out and she rushed forth as I slammed the liutenant who aimed at her back into the wall. I then grabbed Korra and got outside the basement before placing her down as an equalist fired a cable around my leg and I slashed it off using my earth sword. Korra and I rushed out before making eye contact with Amon... he then rushed forth as she fired icicles at him... then I inhale and exhale. Then said "let's get out of here." Then I swing my blade engulfed in sword ink intent and destroying the entire area making it impossible to locate us as we rushed down a snow hill. I then saw Korra slipped on a branch but I caught her and twist my body so I could protect her from harm. Then we hit a tree and I groan slightly. Korra whispered "Xie..." I then hold her closer to me and said "I'm okay... you?" And then she buried her face on my chest and we slowly closed our eyes...

A few minutes later:

I got licked by something and our eyes opened to see Naga... korra said "Naga. You came looking for me. Good girl." We then sit up slowly before caressing Naga. Then I whispered "Come on, Love." Then soflty helped korra onto Naga... I then sat behind her before saying "Lean on me, Korra." Then she leaned back before closing her eyes... I then felt blood drip from the side of my mouth... I then said "internal damage from the ones that were with Tarrlok..." Then I breathed in and qi and aura began flowing around me from all directions as I began to fil my qi. I then had 5% of my full qi and used it to heal korra slightly and myself too slightly. I then felt korra lean closer to me causing me to hug her soflty.

Republic City-

We got to the city and I saw a flying bison which caused me to say "Naga. Please Howl to let them know our location." Then Naga howled alerting Tenzin and the others which they then descended. Mako shouted "Down there!" Tenzin said "Korra?" Then Korra said "Mm." I then said "Tenzin." Tenzin said "Oh, Thank goodness." Lin said "Where's Tarrlok? How did you get away?" I then saw Mako walked forth and said "Give her some space." Then he lifted his hands to grab her but we disappeared and I landed soflty on the Bison with Korra in my arms. I then placed her down soflty. I then sat down and exhaled as I relaxed my body. I then yawned as we headed back to Air Temple Island.

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