Harmonic Convergence

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Xie pov:

As I cultivated I felt my cultivation hit a bottleneck... then the pink aura dissipated before black chains slammed me to the ground as I felt the force of a mountain slamming down on me causing me to scream in agony.


3rd pov:

Korra and Asami watched as Kya used her water healing bending when they saw blood dripped down my mouth and Kya gasped as the tip of my hair turned white as the colour faded into white at the tips... from dark blue to light blue to  snow white... Korra grit her teeth as Kya said "There's nothing I can do..." Then Korra turned before rushing out of the room. Asami said "What now? You can't just stop..." Kya smiled soflty as she said "I'll keep trying but for now you should go get some rest." Then Asami left the room before heading to Korra's location. As she walked outside she saw training dummies were around and Korra was training her bending against them. Tenzin said "Unalaq will be waiting for you. You'll need all of your Avatar power to stop him." Korra said "I'm going to close the spirits portals, lock vaatu in for another 10,000 years, and make Unalaq wish he'd never been born!" Then fired a fire bending attack... causing Mako's eyebrows to disappear into his hair in fear. He picked up the head of the target practice before korra walked forth and grabbed it from him before saying "Thanks, Mako." Then he aimed to speak but stuttered in fear which caused Korra to say "Did you want to say something?" Then Mako shook his head "Uh, no, no, nothing."  before Korra left to continue her training. Bolin heard Mako groan as he looked smug at him. Tenzin said "As soon as we reach the southern water tribe, we'll blast through the blockade at the main port. Then we can rendezvous with Tonraq and his troops, crash through the defenses around the portal, and enter the spirit world." Kya was in shock at his dumb idea as she said "Whoa, since when does my little brother want to crash or blast through anything?" Tenzin said "I'll do whatever it takes to help Xie Yan like he saved my daughter." Bumi said " We all wanna save Xie Yan, but I think your plan might be a tad aggressive, seeing as there are only seven of us and one ship. Not counting Xie Yan who is barely hanging on." Tenzin said "Really? And what do you suggest?" Bumi was amused before saying "An attack like this calls for strategy. I remember when I was surrounded by pirates in the hurricane straits. We managed to capture them all with just a feather, two eggs, and a barrel of molasses." Tenzin said "I don't want to hear any of your crazy stories now. This is serious." Bumi frowned before crossing his arms. Bolin said "are we almost there?" Asami said "Almost. But I just picked up a distress signal from the southern troops. There's a problem."

Southern Secret Base-

Korra arrived on Naga as she saw her mom... korra jumped down as she shouted "Mom!" Then they hugged as Tenzin lowered Xie Yan soflty using airbending... Senna said "I'm so happy you're here." Korra said "Where's Dad?" Senna looked down as she said "Unalaq wiped out the entire southern resistance and captured your father." Korra's eyes widened before they narrows as she said "I'll get him back." Tenzin came forth while holding over his shoulder as he said "Where is my mother?" Senna said "She's in the healing hut. So many injured." Then everyone went to the healing hut. They entered to find injured everywhere. Katara looked back and saw them before she walked towards then as she said "What happened?" Then she checked my condition as Tenzin said "Xie Yan's soul suffered a critical injury in the spirit world." Katara said "Oh, my goodness. How long has he been in this condition?" Kya said "Almost a week. I've tried to keep his energy flowing, but I can feel his slipping away into death's door. You're the only one who can help him now, Mom."


Tenzin and Bumi placed Xie Yan into the medical tub before Katara began her water healing bending. Tenzin said "How much longer can he survive like this?" Katara said "I don't know... but he's very strong to have lasted this long... I can tell he's fighting with all his might to hold on..."

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