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I was in the kitchen when I felt someone's presence there. When I turned I found no one. And also I was alone because Sofia had gone for groceries. I started doing my work but again I felt someone there but I ignored...I was making Bulgogi for Jungkook and was continuously thinking about him. I never thought of living with him but what happened to me suddenly. As far as I know it was because of Taeshi. If he hasn't done that all I might not be thinking too much about him...

"Who's there?" I stopped thinking when I heard a dropping sound on the floor. "Please who's there?" I asked again. I took the knife and went closer to the door and when I looked right I found a pair of hands wrapping around my back and my chest in contact with someone else's chest.

"Eomma Aaaa...." I shouted with closed eyes but didn't move the knife in fear.

"Aan....aan...emmaaaa... please don't..." I was screaming but I stopped when I opened my eyes.

"What! You?"

"I didn't know you would be scared as hell." Jungkook replied before laughing.

"Yaaa...are you kidding me? How could you do this? What if I stabbed the knife? What if..." I couldn't complete it because he pressed his lips against mine which made the knife slip off my hand. I was holding his hand tightly and my eyes were open enough to see his face while kissing me.

"Are you scared now?" He asked before pulling himself.

"Mm...I...I..I mean no. I am not scared and even I wasn't scared." I replied shyly.

"Well, I am sorry if you got scared but not sorry because it was your fault."

"How is it my fault?"

"Because you didn't use the knife. How are you going to take care of yourself when I am not around? How would you protect yourself when someone attacks you? You closed your eyes instead of attacking."

"I know but it was sudden so I couldn't think of anything."

"Then should I teach you self defence?" He asked, pulling me into his arms by my waist.

"No, no need of your self defence because I know karate and also I know how to beat up someone."

"Then what was that the moment before?"

"Well, I was thinking of something else so I let it go." I tried to make an excuse but he caught me and laughed loudly.

"Do you really think I will accept your excuse?"

"Shut up. When you know I am making excuses then you Shouldn't have played with me like this."

"Hmm...by the way I am here to tell you that you are not going to work now. So don't come to the kitchen again and sleep in my room."

"What!" I shouted loudly.

"Slow down...you might tear up my eardrum." He said putting his hands on his ear.

"Aa...aa...sorry. Actually I couldn't process what you said...but whatever you said, you are sure about it. Right?" I asked.

"What do you think?" He asked putting my hair behind my ear.

"Okay. I understand. You are trying to change. Right?"

"I don't know. I am doing what my heart says." He said and leaned more towards me making me hold my skirt tightly.

"It's good to listen to your heart." I found myself lacking words.

He put his hand around my waist and pinned me to the door. Slowly slowlyI found his other hand under my chin and lifted it towards his face. Butterflies started growing inside my stomach and a pleasure sensation ran all over my body.

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