𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 -33

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Jungkook's pov-


"I was right when I doubted you. You really ruined me. You are a piece of a$$hole. You are the worst Soobin....aaaaaaaaa.....annnnnnnnb" I punched on his face.

I grabbed his collar and hit on his stomach.

"Aah..you..you...soobin...annn.........you took my Y/n...you killed her...my y/n...my love..." I was continuously beating him until Taehyung pulled me and police took him with them.

"How could anyone do that? How did he do? How could he betray me for years...aann...huhh..ann...my love....." I cried continuously on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I need to know everything."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

"Soobin needs to tell me everything." I said and left.

Police station

"Why did you do that? What was your main purpose?" I asked to Soobin. I was holding myself not to kill him but who knows when I lose my mind and kill him.

"Sir! Sir! Sir! Wow! I fooled you all the time by saying this obedient word. Sir! Hahahahahah...so bad you got betrayed..."

"Tell me the fu€king main purpose or I will kill you right now..."

"Hmm... first bring me a glass of orange juice."

"Orange juice! You are taking about juice. I can't even let you drink your own ur!ne. Stop this bullsh!t and answer me..."

"Well, I never wanted to kill mam  but it was you sir."

"What was your fu€king purpose?"

"REVENGE SIR... REVENGE... because It is impossible to suffer without making someone pay for it; every complaint already contains revenge."

"Revenge! Whose?"

"My dad's."

"Who is he?"

"Who was he? Not is. He was...your dad killed him."


"And I am taking his revenge. I couldn't kill your dad so I decided to kill you but unfortunately your Y/n...your y/n came in between. I told her to betray you but she denied that's why I had to kill her...so bad..."

"Fu€k you bastard. You are beyond my imagination. You are really cruel."

"No, no, no, You are the cruelest sir. Did you forget how you killed others. Do you even remember your methods of killing your foes...I remember all of them and if I wanted I could have killed you in your way but no. First I wanted you to feel betrayed but your love was really strong to break your heart...hope she is fine in heaven and unfortunately you can't meet her there because you are going to hell...hahahahha.."


"One more thing...your brother Jackson..."

"What about him?"

"Let me tell you everything. Your brother never wanted to kill you but it was me. You are so stupid to identify your real enemy. You...hha..hh..you...hhhahha..you made your brother your own enemy...wow! What a tragedy! You hated your brother..hahahha"

And here I lost my control and punched on his face. He landed on the ground with a loud noise and I started beating him..."yo..you..motherfu€ker...you bastard.. you are a fu€ker a really a$$hole fu€ker..yaaaaa...yaaaaaa..a.a.aaa.a.." He was about to die but police came and took me outside.

"W...wa..wait... sir... if you want me to conclude everything then go to my home and search on my table...yo.. you will find a box. There's your all answers...hah...good luck with your life.."

"I CAN'T SEE YOU ANYMORE."I said and went to his house.


"What's here now? Was he Joking? No, he didn't seem to joke with me that time..." I was talking to myself and walking towards the table. I searched everywhere but I found no box.

"He really lied to me." I hit on the table but wait it sounded different. It means...I started breaking the table and there I found a green box which was covered by a red scarf. "I have seen this scarf somewhere..."
I opened the box and there I found a black cap & a letter.
This cap and scarf...I have seen it before but where! Umm...this cap! Aaaannn...I can't remember...ummmm...wait...
No, no no no no...this can't be true. He can't be that man."

I read the letter-

Hey! My son. It's your dad. How are you? I hope you are fine. I am sorry I couldn't meet you last Saturday and I think I won't be able to meet you again but don't worry. I am doing fine. I am writing this letter to tell you my sin. That sin which I am carrying in my heart from a long time. Your dad is a sinner and a rapi$t. Yes, your dad is a rapi$t. Your dad  molested a little girl and she died. I couldn't tell anyone but I can't hold it anymore. That's why I am leaving my cap and scarf which I used to carry all the time and with this scarf I molested her. You will get this box when you will be that mature. Please forgive your dad for hiding this sin from you all. One more thing that girl has a brother. I don't his name but I think he saw me while I was doing it. I am scared he will come one day and I will be dead. That's why I want to end it early. I can't be scared my whole life. I am sorry but your dad is a coward man. I love you a lot. I never respected your mom but I loved you a lot. I am sorry I don't want to make you cry but I can't hold it now. Sorry and goodbye.

Live a long life son.

"This sh!t..my sister...my..aaaaaannnnn...ahahha...han...aaaaa...my sister....mm....aaaaannnnn...aaaannnnnn...you son of b!tch...you pissed me...you..motherfu€ker...jerkkkk...aaannnn" It was the worst day of my life.  I cried the whole day and regretted the whole day.

"It means my dad killed him so early and Soobin was living with me to kill me. My whole life is betrayed. My sister is not with me, my brother...Jackson...I deserved to be beaten by him. My y/n...she left me too...and Soobin whom I trusted he betrayed me...my whole life is a lie...aannn...eomma.aaann...why did you let me live? Why? You could have taken me with me. You could have killed me...aannhh...ahh..h.h...nnn...appaaaaaa..."

"Let's trust again."

A very familiar voice echoed in my ear. I wanted to believe that it was that person whom I wanted to be there...

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