C H A P T E R : 5

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On reaching home, the moment I opened the door Bam jumped onto me and became so restless as he himself didn't know what he was doing. He was sniffing me, circled around me blocking my way and jumped on me and I couldn't help but chuckle at my dog. He's the only who keeps me sane and happy in this world because lately I have never known what peace means to me.

I know that I have changed a lot, not only me but the people around me changed, but the only one who didn't was Bam. He still behaved as a puppy around me and trust me he's a well-mannered amd cute dog in a big sleek body. He is really comfortable around people but he's kinda afraid of men in black clothes as he would bark at them.

I too have experienced the same when I had to pick him from his training centre and I was wearing a black hoodie, at first he barked seeing me at a distance walking towards him, but when he saw my face clearly, his ferocity was replaced by his baby-like behavior.

He immediately stood up and started to wiggle his tail and let his tongue out as if he was smiling at me. I couldn't help but sit on my knees in front of him and pat him as I placed few kisses on his head and snout. He started licking my face until Mrs. Ahn came to us. She was assigned by my mother to take care of me. Of course I live independently and I have my reasons but my mother is sad over the cold War between me and my father which still persists.

I do respect him but at some point, he caused a scar from which I still couldn't come out.

Mrs. Ahn used to be my caretaker or say the maid when I used to live with my parents and I'm more comfortable with her, maybe that's why my mother assigned her to be my maid. Well, I don't really consider her as a maid because I grew up in her presence. She cooks food, takes care of Bam, cleans my place and what not and I'm so thankful to her in many ways.

I stood up and greeted her to which she too greeted back. I think she's about to leave the place and I know that today she had to stay longer than usual because I came home late.

I said, "let me drop you".

But she resisted as she said, " It's okay son, I can go by myself-"

Even before she could complete, I took my car keys and removed my coat as I walked towards the door leaving her with no choice other than to follow me. Of course there had been days when she used to advice me for my behavior asking me to put a stop to everything, but as a stubborn man I'm and the childhood scar which was still fresh, I couldn't let go of my ego and had to work hard to be who I'm today, without any external support.

Once she understood that I'm not going to step back, slowly she got used to my ways, my silence and my behavior. She's someone I respect a lot.
I drove to her place and dropped her.

She was thankful to me and I immediately drove back to my home because I locked the door from outside and left Bam all alone in that mansion. I know he's an understanding dog and won't cause any trouble.

On stepping inside the silence of my home or say my house, I took a deep breathe and saw Bam hopping to me.
I ducked down and patted him as he liked to be patted and I asked, "are you hungry?"

He waggled his tail more and became restless giving me the answer. So I filled his bowl with his regular meal and filled his water bowl. I saw him enjoying his meal with delight and that crept a smile on my face. Turning back, I walked to my bedroom. Today I was tired and I needed to have a good sleep, but still my workaholic self warned me that I should check some pending emails before I sleep.

I stepped inside my room and walked towards the closet and found a sweatpant which I can wear. I like to sleep shirtless and since it's only me at home, I would rather prefer to not wear anything on top. I undressed myself and stepped inside the shower letting the cold water touch each cells of my skin. My eyes closed on its own feeling the cold water run smoothly from my hair to my body.

𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐍 : 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 (𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐) Where stories live. Discover now