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Phoenix, Arizona

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Phoenix, Arizona

"Man can yall do that in private". Jonah groaned at the sight of Liyah and Lamar kissing on the couch.

Every time he seen them he would cringe, that should be his dad not some random ass man.

Jonah despises Lamar, it wasn't because of anything he did it was the fact that he came in trying to replace his dad and his mom allowed it.

Jonah hated pretending like everything was perfect when it wasn't, he wanted his dad here. He wanted them to be how they were on the charm with Joi included, it just wasn't the same with Lamar and he wasn't going to pretend like it was.

"Excuse me boy, we were in here first. What do you want anyways?". Liyah pulled away wiping her lipgloss off of Lamar who held an amused look on his face.

Jonah forced himself between them laying his head on Liyah's shoulder. "Can I got to the Pit later on?".

"I knew it was something, I knew you didn't just lay your head on me just because". Liyah tapped Jonah's forehead as he smiled.

"Ma now you know I laid on you cause I love you girl, you know you're my comfort". Liyah laughed tapping his forehead again.

"Ew I am not your woman boy! And you better not refer to me as girl again or I will kick your butt. And as far as the pit thing go yeah you can go under one condition". Jonah looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You take your sister too". Jonah kissed his teeth sitting up.

"Come on ma".

"Come on ma nothing, either you take her or you're not going. She needs to get out the house Jonah, my poor baby stay locked in her bedroom playing that damn sims game.".

"Fine, what time should we be home?".

"Jonah you know what time and if you press your luck I promise you won't go no where else while you're under my roof". Liyah said eyeing him as he got up.

"Alright ma chill, thank you I love you". He kissed her cheek repeatedly.

"I love you more JoJo now go! You're interrupting me and my man alone time". Liyah shooed him away.

Jonah jogged up the stairs bursting into Joi's bedroom.

"Jonah! You scared me! You need to knock, I could have been naked!". Joi threw one of her stuff animals which he caught before it hit him.

"Girl I can do what I want, anyways ma told me to take you to the Pit with me so get dressed and don't be tryna have them non existent titties out". Joi threw another pillow only this time hitting him in the head.

"Shut up punk! And no, I don't want to. I'm good at home". Jonah closed her laptop that she has rested on her lap making her eyes buck.

"Get dress yo, I'm not missing this kickback".

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