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Jonah Phoenix, Arizona 4th of July

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Phoenix, Arizona
4th of July

Jonah anxiously grabbed his bags out of the trunk of the taxi cab, he had finally made it back home. As soon as Gia called him he booked a flight back home. He couldn't be there for her when she first called due to orientation but the minute it was over he was on the first flight back. It just so happened to be on the 4th of July which was perfect. Every year he and his mom along with Joi would find a park and barbecue as well as light fireworks, it was traditional and he wouldn't miss that for nothing. He was ecstatic that not only would his dad be joining them this year but Gia as well.

Pushing the door open nobody knew he was back home, he wanted to surprise them. Jonah kept in mind that he would do surprise pop ups on his parents and Joi every chance he got. Kicking his shoes off he dropped his bags at the stairs making a beeline towards the kitchen.

He could hear chatters which means he was just in time for breakfast, his favorite part of the day. "Family". He greeted making their heads turn towards him.

"Jubaaa!". Joi was the first one to run towards him wrapping him up in a hug. "I missed you too Joi". He squeezed her, it had been a month since he's seen his family, he definitely was homesick. Pulling away he greeted his dad and his mom who had tears in her eyes. "My baby! Why didn't you tell me you were coming home today?". She patted her eyes as she stood up giving him a hug. "I wanted to surprise ya'll, ma why you crying though?". Jonah furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't think she would cry after seeing him.

"Yeah Liyah why you crying?". His dad spoke with a smirk on his face. "My allergies". She quickly sat down making Jah shake his head while laughing. "Yeah it's allergies alright".

Jonah had noticed Gia wasn't at the table with them, "Where's Gia?". He locked eyes with his mom who pointed towards the ceiling. "Upstairs she's freshening up". Jonah nodded heading towards the stairs.

He was relieved to know she was still here, Gia had told him her dad put his hands on her and he was furious, he was happy that his parents opened their home to her. Jonah wouldn't know what to do with himself if something happened to her.

Hearing faint music coming from inside of his room, Jonah pushed the door open. Beyoncé Blue lowly played as Gia stood in front of the mirror, she only had on her bra and panties. Her hands massaged the small bump in her stomach which made Jonah furrow his eyebrows.

Putting two and two together Jonah's eyes widened as his heart skipped a beat, "Gia". He called out closing his door drawing her attention. Dried up tears were on her face as she held a surprised look. "Jonah". He cautiously walked over to her never taking his eyes off of her stomach.

"W-Why didn't you tell me?". He placed his hand on her stomach noticing how firm it was. "I wanted to wait and tell you in person, I didn't want to stress you out. You have more important things to worry about". Jonah sighed shaking his head. "Gia you are important, this is major. Is this why your dad did what he did?". She nodded as tears formed in her eyes.

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