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Phoenix, Arizona

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Phoenix, Arizona

Smoothing out her ponytail Liyah look at her appearance one last time before exiting the car.

It was pushing 9 pm, she had spent majority of the day with Jah.

Liyah knew Lamar would be questioning her coming in so late so she already had her lie concocted, she had called Susan her store manager to cover for her just in case Lamar tried to call to the store to see if she's been there.

Closing the door she locked her car noticing that everyone was home.

Unlocking the door she heard laughter coming from the kitchen.

Closing the door locking it after she walked inside of the kitchen only to see Joi sitting on the counter with Jonah beside her.

They had bowls of ice cream with different topping out on the counter.

"What are you two up to?". Liyah leaned against the wall watching them jump.

"Mom! Sometimes I think you're half cat the way you tiptoe around, sheesh!". Joi placed her hand on her chest while Jonah laughed.

"We're making celebratory sundaes, Joi scored at 1600 on her SAT score, maybe she's smart after all". Jonah teased as Joi pushed him.

"Awww shoot! Congratulations baby". Liyah walked over to Joi giving the top of her head a kiss.

"Thank you mom, I need to tell daddy about it. I'm going to call him tomorrow and let him know. Speaking of daddy have you guys talk?". Liyah leaned against the counter as their day flashed through her mind.

"Uh not since the diner". Liyah lied not wanting to disclose anything with the children especially while Lamar is home.

"Maybe we can all go out somewhere again, somewhere fun this time so it's not so emotional". Joi suggested making Liyah nod.

"I mean that sounds like a plan, maybe you guys can search some places and we'll discuss them".

"Can I bring Gia?". Jonah asked in which Liyah nodded with a small smile. "Yes you can bring your girlfriend Jonah".

"Mom we're friends". Jonah stated. Liyah eyed him with Joi.

"Rightttt". They both said causing Jonah to wave them off as he put M&Ms in his sundae.

"Well if Gia coming can Cassius come too?".

"Yes Joi Cash can come". Joi smiled as Jonah scoffed.

Although Jonah and Cassius had a talk about him being with Joi he wasn't mad about it more so weirded out, he was slowly warming up to the fact they weren't leaving each other alone.

"Well I had a long day so I'm going to go bed, make sure to clean my kitchen how I had it". Giving them both a kiss on the head Liyah made her way upstairs.

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