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November Chicago, Illinois Thanksgiving

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Chicago, Illinois

Snow crunched underneath Kadence's black Timberland boots as he walked up the familiar walk way. His heart thumped against his chest with each step he took. So many things ran through his mind as he looked at the outside of the house—so many memories flooded his mind: good and bad.

Knocking on the door a few times he stepped back looking down at the crisp white snow kicking some of it. Within a few seconds the door opened and he heard a gasp. "K-Kadence?". Looking up he met eyes with the only woman he's ever loved but caused her so much pain—his mom.

"Hey ma". He mumbled shocked by her pulling him into a hug. "M-my baby!". He felt her break down in his chest making him squeeze her tighter. No matter how mad he made her or even disappointed her he was still her baby.

Jah had a long talk with Kadence about making things right with his mom. Kadence had gave him the run down on his family dynamics, he told him about the strained relationship he had with his mother. Jah told Kadence that life was too short and that he needed to love on his people while they still was here, especially his mom. Kadence knew Jah was right and in order for him to be a better man it started at home.

"I'm happy to see you too ma, come on". He walked them into the house closing the door behind him.

The smell of food hit his nose making his stomach growl. "Take your shoes and coat off and meet me in the kitchen". Evelyn says walking towards the kitchen.

Doing as told he followed behind her, he saw a single plate was on the table half eaten. Furrowing his eyebrows he took a seat as she began to fix him a plate. "Where's Sway?". He questioned referring to her boyfriend.

Evelyn sat the plate in front of him clearing her throat. "He called it quits". Evelyn took her seat across from Kadence picking up her glass of wine drinking some of it.  "What? When?".

"Two months ago". Kadence frowned, as much as she did for him how could he just leave her? "Why?".

"Don't want to talk about it—what made you come see me?". Kadence picked at his macaroni and cheese. "I had a talk with someone and they made me realize that you're all I got and I need to make it right with you. Ion like the idea of not talking to you cause if it wasn't for you it wouldn't be no me". Kadence admitted looking at his mom who tightly held her glass. "Wow, was that someone your uncle?". Kadence shook his head eating some of his food.

"My friend's dad, her pops have been a major help in my life. They've been keeping me on a straight path". Evelyn raised her eyebrow as Kadence softly smiled thinking about Joi, he missed her.

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