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Phoenix, Arizona
Two Months Later

"Gia Nash".

The middle aged nurse called out while scanning the waiting room. Gia hurried to her feet subconsciously wrapping her arms around her stomach. "Right here". She mustered up the courage to speak making the woman look at her.

"Right this way". She followed behind the woman, each step she took felt heavier than the last. Her mind was all over the place, and she felt anxious. Walking inside of the room the nurse handed her a gown. "You're going to strip down and put this on, the doctor will be in momentarily but before you do that we need a urine sample from you, cup is there and bathroom is right outside your door". Gia nodded taking in the information.

After peeing inside of the cup she quickly washed her hands hurrying off to the room. Closing the curtain she stripped out of her shorts and shirt slipping on the gown. Her eyes darted all over the room as she anxiously tapped her finger against the bed.

"Knock knock". She heard someone say before the curtain was pulled back. In walked a male doctor with a young woman on the side of her. "Good afternoon, I'm Doctor Sims and this is my assistant nurse Britt, what brings you in today?". The doctor softly smiled at Gia who nervously looked at him. "I-I think I'm pregnant".

Dr Sims raised an eyebrow as Gia's eyes burned with tears. "You think? Did you take a pregnancy test?". Gia nodded thinking back to the positive pregnancy test that was stashed underneath the bathroom cabinet.

"Yes and it came back positive but I read that sometimes test can be defective so I came here just to make sure". She rambled on fiddling with her fingers.

"Okay well Nurse Britt is going to test your urine while I ask you a few questions". Gia watched as Nurse Britt took the cup out of the room.

"When was the first day of your last cycle?". Gia thought back to when her last period was, "Um the first of May". Dr Sims gave her a nod, "And are you on any birth control or using protection?".

"I'm not on birth control and we use protection". Dr. Sims rubbed his chin, "Mhn okay, well I'm going to be honest with you sometimes condoms don't always be effective, it can slip, break or deteriorate from being old, so there's still a possibility you can get pregnant even while using protection".

Before Gia could respond nurse Britt walked back in.

"It's positive".

Slowly turning the locks with her key Gia pushed opened the door hoping her dad wasn't around. Softly closing the door she tried to go up the stairs.

"Gia! Meet me in the kitchen, NOW", Her dad's baritone voice caused her to flinch. Dropping her book bag she walked into the kitchen only to see him sitting at the table with a scowl on his face.

"Tell me this is not yours". He tossed the pregnancy test towards her, it landed directly in front of her feet. "You deaf now?!". She jumped as tears formed in her eyes. "I-I".

"Yes or no! Stop fucking beating around the bush!". Tony shouted with pure anger. "Yes". She choked out within a split second she was gripping onto the counter while holding her aching mouth from being backhanded. "You had nothing better to do but to go get fucking pregnant! You just graduated, barely in fucking college! What the fuck are you going to do with a baby?!". Tony shouted as he grabbed her by her collar shaking her with each word.

"Daddy I'm sorry". She sobbed as his grip got tighter. "You wasn't sorry when you were out fucking! I can't believe you, I can't believe you would fucking throw your life away like this! I want you to get rid of it immediately!". Gia heart stopped as he released her pushing her back. "W-what?".

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