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Tapping the gel pen on her notebook Joi eyes darted from the Chemistry notes written on the whiteboard to the door

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Tapping the gel pen on her notebook Joi eyes darted from the Chemistry notes written on the whiteboard to the door. She was looking for Kadence, when she came to school she didn't see him at his locker nor was he in first hour. Joi tried reaching out to him but none of her messages were delivering, she was worried, she had a bad feeling .

Sighing to herself she jotted her notes down trying to take her mind off of Kadence. As much as she cared for him Joi couldn't lose herself trying to help or better him. It was only so much she could do, Kadence had to want it for himself.

The bell sounded off indicating that class was over which meant school was over as well. Gathering her books she stuffed them in her book bag. "Joi". She heard her name being called. Looking up she saw Malachi coming towards her. "Hey what's up?". She saw he had a sad look on his face. "It's Kadence, he got shot last night. I don't know the details because my mom and dad won't tell me much". Joi felt herself become dizzy making her grab the desk. "W-what?"

"I had to tell you because I know how much you care about him, I overheard them saying he was at St Joseph. Maybe you can go and let me know, I'm worried about him too". She nodded exchanging contact information with Malachi. Joi rushed out of the school while dialing her mom's number.

"Hey honey", Liyah greeted. Joi sniffed into the phone as tears fell. "M-mom Kadence was shot a-and he's at the hospital, can you please take me mom. I need to make sure he's okay". Joi was visibly shaken, the worst cross her mind as she talked to her mom. "Joi calm down baby, come home and we'll go straight there. You have to calm down though".

Joi held Liyah's hand as they walked through the hospital, reaching the receptionist desk Liyah rubbed her stomach feeling the baby move around. "Good afternoon we're here to see Kadence Bartlett". The young girl typed something in the computer before looking up. "He's on the upper level, the room number is 3223". Liyah thanked her as they walked through the automatic doors.

"Whew this brings back unwarranted memories". Liyah says as they walked. "Why you say that?". Joi looked at her mom. "Well I remember when your father got shot, that walk to his room was the longest walk ever. It felt like cement was in my shoes, one of the worst things I went through. I know exactly how you feel right now". Joi eyes widened. "Daddy was shot? Why?". Liyah looked over at a curious Joi.

"It's not for me to tell you the full details because that's just something you don't need to know but let's just say your father was hanging around people who didn't have his best interest at heart, just like Kadence". They reached the room, Joi could see Kadence sitting up through the glass window.

He had his head hanging low with a hospital gown on. "I'll be out here waiting, go check on him". Liyah gave Joi a light squeeze ushering her towards the door.

Joi nervously walked into his room closing the door behind her. "Kadence", she cautiously called out, his head snapped in her direction. His eyes were blood shot red as tears rested on his cheeks. Quickly turning his head to shield his face from her Joi walked over to him taking a seat next to him. "Kadence what happened?". She turned his face to her trying to rub the mug out of it.

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