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Phoenix, Arizona A few Days Later

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Phoenix, Arizona
A few Days Later

Joi nervously placed black and blue balloons around Kadence's living room. He was on his way back home from Chicago and she was eager to see him. Her nerves were all over the place as she tried to get the letter placement right, she had got balloons to spell out 'I Love You'.

After Kadence said it over text Joi told him she needed to talk to him in person—she felt like it was better to say it face to face than over a text. Either way it went her feelings were exactly like his.

Not only was she going to tell him she love him but show him as well, she planned the night for them to just do what they love: eat and play games. She had bought various of games from Uno to Trouble, she also made them hamburger sliders and fries even making his favorite snack Hot Cheetos and hamburger with cheese.

Turning on some music she stood on her tippy toes taping the U down so it would stay in place. Hearing the locks turn Joi turned around watching Kadence come inside of the apartment. He was dressed in a all black Nike Tech Jogging suit with black and green Jordan retro 3's on his feet. Looking up he dropped his Go yard duffle bag as Joi walked towards him with a nervous smile on her face.

"Hey Bear". Looking around he looked down at Joi as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "Hey baby what's all this?".

"Wellll I wanted to show you how much I missed you and to tell you that I love you too". Kadence held a surprised look as he looked down on her. "You for real?".

"Yes Kadence I'm for real, I love you too. I know I probably freaked you out saying that we needed to talk when you got home but it was because I wanted you to hear me say it. I know it took a lot for you to text it and trust my nerves are all over the place but I needed you to hear me say it so you know it's true". Kadence pulled Joi into a kiss, Joi held onto his side as he cupped her face deepening the kiss.

"I love you so much Joi". Kadence says once they pulled away. "I love you more—now come on I got something else to show you". She grabbed his hand walking him into the kitchen. "Nah not you made my favorite snack! You dope for this shorty". Joi smiled biting her lip. "Fix me some please". She says as she leaned against the counter.

The moonlight illuminated through the living room window as they sat on the couch. Joi and Kadence had just finished their food and played games, now they were enjoying each other's company.

4Batz u made me a st4r mixtape lowly played through Kadence's soundbar as he inhaled the blunt he had previously rolled. Joi watched him intensely as the smoke slowly seeped from his mouth. "Why you starin lil folks?". He never took his eyes off the tv, he just felt her eyes on him.

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