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It was Friday night and here Joi was tossing gold and silver packages into an oversized bin labeled 'Mail'

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It was Friday night and here Joi was tossing gold and silver packages into an oversized bin labeled 'Mail'. It seemed as if the more packages she tossed there was 10x the amount coming her way again.

This had been preoccupying her time for the last six hours. Looking up she saw Gia napping on the couch while Liyah continuously packaged jewelry with a few more workers. Liyah's jewelry line was having a huge sale for the holidays and boy did she sell out.

Every other weekend Joi would come and work for her as well as Gia. This was their unofficial job since Liyah already had a team to run the business for her. She decided that on certain weekends her and the girls would do a few shifts, it was her way of making sure her business was being ran right and also giving Gia and Joi something to do so they weren't cooped up in the house all day.

Her music suddenly stopped in her headphones making her frown. Siri soon appeared after letting her know she had a text message from Kadence.

From:🧸💓 Just got off heading back home with pops, u still there?

To:🧸💓 yes we're almost done though, finishing up these last orders. My feet and hands are killing me! 😩

From: 🧸💓damn don't worry ima make you feel better smurf, in house movie date? I get the snacks and you pick the movie?

To:🧸💓 It's a date, see you soon bear!

"Them cheeks are red! Let me guess Kadence?". Joi looked up from her phone to see her mom looking over at her with a smirk. "Mom!.. is it obvious?"

"As hell". Liyah replied laughing out, Gia's eyes popped open as she jumped a bit. "Sorry Gia girl, you're supposed to be working miss mamas". Liyah gave Gia a small smile as she sat up. "Sorry ma I'm so exhausted". Gia mumbles rubbing her stomach trying not to close her eyes again. "I know I've been working yall girls hard huh? I guess we can call it a night". Liyah stood up from the chair stretching her arms in front of her.

It took about thirty minutes for them to wrap everything up, by now it was pushing 7:30 p.m. "Let me call Emin and see if he can cook us some chicken Alfredo", Liyah licked over her lips as she cleaned up while dialing Jah's number. Within the first ring he picked up.

"Wassup sexy, where you and my babies at?". Jah answered. Liyah blushed as the girls snickered. "Now who cheeks are red?". Joi teased earning a laugh from Gia.

"Joi hush—but we just finished packaging these orders. Babe I was wondering if you can make some chicken Alfredo with garlic knots. Your girls are starving especially your babies". She made sure to add the babies in to guilt trip him into saying yes. "You know I got ya'll we got the stuff at home?".

"Yes babe".

"Alright ima get on it as soon as we get there". Exchanging I love you's Liyah smiled at the girls as she locked up the building. "Works like a charm".

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