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Phoenix, Arizona Same Night

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Phoenix, Arizona
Same Night

Jah rushed through the house as he heard yelling and screaming, running into the room he instantly picked Jonah up seeing that Lamar was nearly unconscious.

"Relax son, I know you're mad but relax".

"L-Look at mom dad! Just let me kill him!", Jonah cried trying to break free from his dad's grip.

"Take your sister and go downstairs now! Matter of fact go straight to my house". Jah released Jonah pushing him towards the door.

Pulling the gun from his waistband he cocked it feeling his body heat up.

Lord knows how hard he tried to but his JB life style behind him but it was coming back.

His heart felt like it was torn out of his chest seeing Liyah laid out on the bed barely breathing.

Hearing Jonah pull off Jah made his way over to Lamar who was groaning while slowly tossing and turning.

"It's taking everything in me not to put a fucking bullet in your head. The way you got MY wife looking got me ready to end your fucking life. But seeing that my boy did a number on you I ain't gone touch you. Instead I'm going to make you remember to never fuck with my family again".

Sending three silent shots into his body due to the silencer on his gun, Jah made sure to miss certain spots so he wouldn't die.

Gently picking Liyah up he tried not to cry at the sight of her.

"I'm here baby, ima make sure you good lil baby I promise". He choked out as he ran down the stairs and out of the house leaving the door slightly opened.

Placing her in the passenger seat he quickly got inside. Using his maps he found the nearest hospital, punching the address in he sped off.

"I'm so fucking sorry for leaving yall, I'm so sorry baby". Jah cried while gripping Liyah's limped hand.

His mind was all over the place, he was beating himself up because had he just walked away from the Rio situation he would have never had Liyah or his kids in this situation.

Pulling up to the entrance he barely put his car in park as he got out getting her out as well.

"Somebody help me! My wife needs help!". He frantically shouted while running through the ER.

A Swarm of nurses quickly came to his aid grabbing Liyah from his arms.

He watched as they placed her on gurney rushing her towards the back.

"Fuck!". He cried out gripping his messy braids.

"I can't lose her God, I can't lose her!". A few strangers tried to console him as he broke down.

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