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The Night Before Prom

"I can't believe I'm smoking with you".

Liyah laughed as she leaned against Jah inhaling the perfectly rolled blunt that he held up to her lips. Sitting on one of the patio chairs that was placed on the balcony of Jah's house not only were they enjoying Phoenix's night life but each other too. "Tell me about it". Jah laughed taking a hit of the blunt as well.

They were two blunts in and boy were they feeling it, Liyah couldn't control her giggles while Jah tried to keep his eyes opened. It felt like Jah's first time getting high since it's been eighteen years since he smoked.

Granted he could have smoked in jail but he never wanted to risk his freedom plus he didn't know what was in that shit, he wasn't trying to get laced or some weird shit like that.

"I think I'm tapped out babe". Liyah softly says while shaking her head as he tried to get her to smoke again. Jah nodded finishing off the last bit of the blunt. Between the honking of cars and the sounds of crickets everything seemed ten times louder to Liyah, nevertheless it set the mood.

"Emin I feel so free". Liyah randomly says as she snuggled into him, the nippy air had gave her chills. "What you mean by that baby?". Jah questions ashing the tail of the blunt in his ashtray. "I just feel care free, for the first time in almost eighteen years I feel at peace. I've been so on edge about us and life in general, this was the breath of fresh air that I needed. You just don't know how bad I needed this, I needed you. It's not even the smoking I'm talking about either, it's just you overall. I never realized how much I was yearning you until now".

Jah turned her face towards his and planted a tender kiss on her lips. Slipping his tongue inside of her mouth their tongues wrestled for dominance. Jah pulled away not before taking her bottom lip into his mouth gently tugging at it. "I love you so fuckin much girl". He groaned as he released her lip making a popping sound.

"I love you more Emin". Love and lust filled Liyah's eyes as she stared up at him. At times it felt unreal that he was back, that he was here with her. Jah could have walked away after he reunited with his children and seen that she was engaged but he didn't. The fact that he fought for her physically and figuratively showed her that the love he had for her ran deep.

"Shit you don't know how long I've been craving this, I dreamed about this shit in the penitentiary, everyday I prayed for my family to be one again". Jah lowly spoke using his thumb to caress her cheek. Although the circumstances were fucked up Jah was happy to have Liyah back in his life again.

"I prayed for you too, believe it or not. I spent countless of days hell even years crying and praying God reconnected us, I was so caught up with trying to protect them and mask my hurt that I went about things the wrong way". Guilt sat in as Liyah's face fell thinking about everything she put them through, that was never her intentions.

"Stop, I forgave you and that's all that matters. I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere, you and the kids got me for life. God himself will have to come and remove me or take me away from yall". Jah says as he rest his face in the crook of her neck inhaling her natural scent.

Neither one of them said anything but instead enjoyed the comfortable silence they were in. Liyah randomly began to laugh as she reminisced about the old days.

"What's funny lil baby?". Jah asks her as he ate a few cool ranch Doritos, they had a few snacks outside with them. He knew that smoking would work up their appetite. "Thinking about when we first met, I think that's one of the things I'll never forget. Not only were you mean but I got my ass kicked, sheesh!".

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