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Phoenix, Arizona May One week before Prom

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Phoenix, Arizona
One week before Prom

"Mom you was supposed to be going too". Joi pouted fixing her cross body purse.

"I know Joi but I had forgot about my dress fitting, you know I can't miss that". Joi frowned reaching in the cabinet to get a Strawberry Poptart and some more snacks for her, Jonah, and Cassius.

Before she could say anything Jonah appeared with a bucket hat on.

"We're going to an amusement park not a beach". Joi says as she stuffed the snacks inside of the small bag she was carrying.

"Whatever, unlike you I'm not trying to be in the sun getting burned up". He fixed his hat walking over to his mom giving her a kiss on the head.

"Ma you're not going?". Jonah had noticed she had on casual wear instead of comfortable clothes.

"No baby, like I was telling Joi I have the fitting to attend today, I didn't realize it fell on the day of the trip". Jonah frowned while kissing his teeth.

"Ma dad's here now, do you really want to marry him?".

Liyah furrowed her eyebrows, "What does your dad being here have to do with anything?".

"It has a lot to do with something, you heard dad a few months ago. Yall were supposed to be married so why not lean towards that? Why can't we be a family?".

Before Liyah could reply someone had rung the doorbell. She headed towards the door avoiding Jonah's questions.

Opening the door she was not only greeted by Cassius but Jah as well.

"Hey ma". Cassius greeted with a bright smile. "Hey Cash". She returned the smile before looking at Jah who held an amused look on his face.

"Wassup Liyah". He says as she pierced her lips together not trying to show too much emotion in front of Cassius.

"Hey Jah, um Cash the kids are in the kitchen". Cassius nodded walking past her towards the back of the house.

"Why you acting so nervous?". Jah question has he pulled her closer by her hips pecking her red stained lips a few times.

"Not outside Jah", she quickly stepped back pulling him inside before closing the door.

Last thing she needed was for her nosey neighbors to see them together.

"Like I was saying, why you acting so nervous? Acting like you not happy to see a nigga". He wrapped her into a hug lowering his head down.

Liyah turned her head making him kiss her cheek. "Jah I told you we can't do that anymore".

Kissing his teeth Jah pulled away rolling his eyes. "Still not understanding why this fuck nigga still around".

"Because he's my fiancé Jah, you have to respect that". Liyah reminded him in which he grimaced.

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