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Joi September

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"You're a cheater!".

Joi watched as LOSER popped up on the screen of the race car game her and Kadence were playing. "Nah lil folks you just suck but it's alright". Kadence laughed while Joi on the other hand rolled her eyes getting off of the car.

"Kadence you literally grabbed the wheel! What type of stuff is that?". He continued to laugh, she proceeded to walk away feeling salty, Joi hated losing. "Awww I'm sorry Smurf", he grabbed her waist from behind wrapping his arms around it. Kissing her cheek a few times Kadence could see her cheeks turning red.

"Ew move you and your lips". She popped his hand playfully wiping her cheek. "Damn straight like that?". He raised his eyebrow. "Just kidding Bear". She leaned up bringing his head down to kiss her cheek again. "Told you bout that name". He mumbled looking down at her. "It fits you and I like it so get use to it. Now come on I'm starved!".

Sitting at an empty booth Joi spaced the mozzarella sticks they ordered down while Kadence put the hot wings down as well. "Before you dig in here". She unclamped her bag reaching inside for her hand sanitizer, she cringed at the thought of them eating after touching those filthy machines.

Spraying his hands as well as hers she heard Kadence hiss. Looking over at him she raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong Bear?" He looked up quickly shaking his head. "None just a small cut, none crazy". He tried to dismiss but Joi grabbed his hand examining it. She saw multiple cuts on his knuckles, some were slowly healing while others were bleeding a bit. "Kadence what happened to your hand?!".

Kadence pulled his hand back picking up one of the mozzarella sticks. "I'm good Smurf, don't worry about it ight?". As much as Joi wanted to interject she knew it was best to keep quiet. Feeling a way she picked up a hot wing eating it in silence. Kadence could sense the vibe was off which led to him pulling her closer to him.

"I ain't mean to make you feel a way Joi, it's just I was doing some shit but ion want to tell you what it is. The less you know about certain shit the better". Joi wasn't stupid, she knew Kadence did things he had no business doing, she's sure his cousin Devin had hand in it too. Devin was older than them by three years, Kadence seemed to hang around him more than Malachi who was Kadence age.

Joi had met his aunt and uncle as well as his cousins, since they were growing closer and hanging out they felt like it was time for them to meet each other's family. While Mika his aunt and Maxwell his uncle took a liking to her Devin on the other hand didn't care for Joi and the feeling was mutual. Devin felt like Joi was bougie while Joi felt like he was a bad influence, if you know your cousin came here from getting in trouble at home why would you risk getting him into more trouble? It was foolish to her.

While things went well with her meeting his aunt and uncle things didn't go too good with Kadence meeting Jah, Liyah, and Jonah. Liyah took a small liking to Kadence because she seen his potential, she knew he had it in him to be some good but he gave off follower vibes, her only hope was he didn't influence Joi to do things she shouldn't be doing. Jah immediately judged him based off his appearance, he felt like his baby girl shouldn't be running around with someone nearly covered in tattoos who hung around thugs. She was better than that, Jah didn't even want to get to know Kadence. He just didn't care for him. Jonah being the overprotective brother he was he didn't want to hear or meet him at all. Joi felt conflicted and hurt after all he was her friend so what was the problem? How could people preach never judge a book by its cover but judging someone as soon as they encounter them? Didn't make sense to her.

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