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Phoenix, Arizona

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Phoenix, Arizona

Hissing as she applied makeup to the tender spot Liyah barely wanted to look at herself in the mirror as she got ready to meet up with Jah.

It had been a few days since the disastrous night and a few days since Lamar nearly beat her to death.

After the party Lamar came home and took his frustration out on Liyah, he had yelled to her about how embarrassing it was for Jah to show up to their engagement party and ruin it, not only did Jah cause a big scene but he also got into a scuffle with Lamar as well.

Lamar felt humiliated losing in front of his friends and family so he was triggered.

Liyah felt hopeless as the beating occurred, neither one of the children were there to help her. Jonah had stayed the night with Gia and Joi was with Cassius leaving Liyah by herself.

Stuffing her makeup in her bag she slowly walked out of the bathroom holding onto her aching rib cage.

The continuous kicks to her side had her feeling like something was broken.

"You trying to look good for this nigga?". Flinching at the sound of Lamar's voice Liyah quickly shook her head no.

"I-I just want to look presentable".

Lamar quickly got up pinning Liyah against the wall by her throat. "You're mine Liyah, you hear me bitch?! You're mine! I'll be damned if I let you leave me for that jailbird ass nigga! I came too fucking far for you to think you're going to leave me! You belong to me! I can give two rats ass about your fucking kids but you bitch, you're not going no fucking where, I will kill you first!". Which each word Lamar's grip got tighter, Liyah clawed at his hand feeling her breath leave her body.

"Say you're mine!", Lamar shouted in her face taking her from the wall and slamming her onto the floor.

"Say it bitch!".

"I-I'm yours". Liyah choked out, before Lamar could strike her rapid knocks could be heard at the bedroom door.

"Mom!". Joi frantically called out.

Lamar gave her one last look before snatching her off the floor and throwing her into their walk in closet.

Liyah heard their bedroom door being opened and soon after Joi ran into the closet.

"Mom!". She rushed over to Liyah taking her now red face into her hands. "Mom what did he do?!", Joi examined her mom as tears burned in her eyes.

"Joi baby I'm okay, n-nothing happened I'm fine".

"Mom you have a bruise on your side, was he hitting you?!".

"Joi". Liyah shook her head as tears fell. "Mom you got to tell someone, maybe grandpa or even my dad but you have to say something, that's not right. I'm calling J-".

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