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Phoenix, Arizona

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Phoenix, Arizona

Staring off into space Jonah tossed his baseball in the air catching it. He could hear Sonder - What you Heard faintly playing through his headphones.

"Okay I'm back, have to get ready for work". Gia says appearing in the camera.

Jonah had been on FaceTime with her for a couple of hours.

This is how his days been, it's been the same repeated routine for the past five days now. He would get up eat before everyone else does, lock himself back in his room and talk to Gia.

Gia has been a big help with easing his mind from everything that happened. She had let him know that she was here for him no matter what and that she'll never judge him.

Gia felt bad for Jonah, he was such a sweetheart just misunderstood. She knew his problems were within and she wouldn't pressure him to say what it was. She did leave room for him to vent whenever he needed.

Jonah developed a small crush on Gia, he wouldn't come out and say it due to the circumstances at hand. He had just got out of a relationship and he needs to be sure he healed from it before getting into another relationship. If it was one thing his mom taught him was hurt people hurt people and he wasn't trying to do that to Gia.

Watching as she pulled her braids into a bun, Jonah smiled as she applied lipgloss on her plumped lips.

"You look cute". He compliments, Gia looked in the camera with a smile.

"Stop trying to make me blush Jonah! But thank you although I look basic". Jonah shook his head licking over his lips.

"Nah you'll never look basic, you too beautiful for that".

"Stop Jonah". Gia covered the camera causing him to laugh, he knew he made Gia nervous. He would be lying if he said she didn't make him nervous too, he just has a good way of hiding it.

"Okay I quit, what your shift look like today?".

"Well my dad is making me work from 2 til 10 tonight". Gia responds in which Jonah dramatically sighed.

"Eight hours without talking to you, I feel like I'm bout to faint". Jonah dramatically closed his eyes purposely hanging his tongue out of the side of his mouth.

"Jonah please! but I go on break at 6 so I'll call you". Gia giggle he joined in laughing too.

"Nah for real though, you know I love talking to you girl, what ima do? I'm already locked up and they won't let me out".

"Stop you're going to finish Chapter eight of our book and give me a summary, I'll be home before you know it".

Jonah kissed his teeth glancing over at The Fault in Our Stars book that laid on his nightstand.

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