Halloween (1.2)

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"Alright, I'm here. What's the big emergency?" The blonde man sat down in front of Cody, throwing a very expensive blazer over the back of the chair next to him. Zack, identical to his twin with the exception of Cody's dyed dark locks, looked at his brother poignantly. He had just come from the station after getting an SOS text to meet for drinks as soon as he was able. "Also, Jackson wants to make sure that you're coming to Thanksgiving dinner." Cody failed to suppress an eyeroll, sipping at his old fashioned. Zack's husband, Jackson, always went all out for the holidays. Everyone was invited and everyone came. Cody wasn't proud of it but he was known to seek out assignments that landed over the holidays so he would have an excuse not to attend. He preferred a simple dinner with an exchanging of presents. But, this year was Zack and Jackson' twin girls first Thanksgiving. He couldn't miss it.

The bar was some flash in the pan with a singular word name like 'Smash','Twice', or 'Crease'. The atmosphere was all Edison bulbs that gave off a warm yellow glow that bounced off the brass accents. Definitely inspired by Steampunk but Steampunk wasn't a thing anymore so it was the 'opposite' or the cold concrete and steel that dominated a decade ago. "Tell Jackson I will pop a Xanax and be the most social of butterflies."

"Great! Now, why am I missing bathtime?"

"I saw Bailey today." Cody downed the rest of his drink and motioned to the bartender for another. Zack followed suit and watched the bartender do a double take. He chuckled to himself. It never got old.

It felt like a punch to the gut. "Shit..." the sportscaster breathed. "That was the last thing I thought you were going to say." He searched the face so much like his own for any other expression or clue that would give him an idea of what was going through Cody's brain. "What? I mean, how? Where?"

"My bodega. She was getting coffee. And apparently, she's engaged." Cody finally looked his brother in the eye. The look in his eyes said it all. So Zack did know. He sniffed. "She was just so... happy. I just wanted to get out of there but instead I asked her to coffee. I am well aware of the irony." He presented before Zack could question it. "She knows I'm working for the New York Times!" He tilted his head in a silent question. The guilty look was all the response he needed.

"It's been ten years. Please tell me you are not still hung up on her." Zack pleaded, and silently thanked the waiter for the drinks.

"No, I'm not. But it's a little disconcerting when the past you want to leave behind catches up with you. And! When they know more about you than you do of them!" Cody took a giant swig of the amber liquid. He really didn't want to get fucked up but it felt like he wasn't going to have a choice in the matter.

"Dude, I'm sorry! But I knew you didn't want to know. So why would I bring it up?" Zack defended.

Cody put his face into his hands, silently screaming into his man-made void. "You're right, I'm sorry. I just... uggghhh!" His elbows slowly parted allowing his forehead to hit the wooden tabletop. Words, the one thing he always had on his side, were failing him.

"If it makes you feel any better, I didn't know she was in town."

"It doesn't." The table muffling the response.

"Well, she probably won't be at the reunion. If that makes things better."

Cody lifted his head and placed his chin where his forehead had been. "What reunion?"

Zack looked at him confused. "Our ten year reunion?"

Cody popped up straight. "We're having a ten year reunion? Where?! When did this happen?" He paused before saying through gritted teeth, "please tell me Jackson isn't the one planning it."

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