Christmas (3.1)

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Christmas Eve

"You've been fucking London?!" Zack cried. It was midday and Cody had stopped by to help Jackson set up. The notion was futile as Jackson had everything already set a week prior. Cody also hoped that if he hung out long enough today then he wouldn't have to make a showing tomorrow. He was helping Zack with the dishes when Jackson dropped the bomb about Cody and London's escapades.

"Swear jar." Jackson said automatically, flipping through a home decor catalog. His job was done and now he was making sure that his husband and, by extension, his brother-in-law were doing their part. Frankly, he didn't care how things got done, just that they did.

"How did that happen? When did that happen? Don't tell me you're dating." Zack had abandoned the chore but Cody kept going, his need to complete a task taking over. It provided a little cover and something to focus on.

"We're not dating. We're just... having fun."

Jackson giggled, followed by an "I'll say" under his breath. Cody shot him an annoyed look over his shoulder.

"Jesus Christ, Cody." Zack said still flabbergasted that his brother and old school frenemy were now, what? Lovers? Ew, that was gross to think about.

"Swear Jar." Jackson flipped another page.

Zack rolled his eyes at his husband. "Have you thought about the consequences?"

"Yeah, that we are having fun and having great sex. I don't see what the problem is." Cody shrugged, continuing to wash the dishes left in the sink. "Jackson, do you want these in the dishwasher?"

"Yes please!"

"Then why am I washing them first?" Cody threw up his soapy hands.

"Because that's how you clean dishes," Jackson flipped another page, marking some piece of furniture he liked. Zack's eyes narrowed, they did not need any more furniture or a change of furniture. Jackson promised that he was done decorating and his vision was 'complete'.

"But it's a dish washer!" Cody argued. Fuck it, he didn't care any more. "Look, I don't understand why you are getting so bent out of shape over this? She's changed, I've changed, and after learning the truth about why Bailey broke up with me all those years ago, I just want something fun to look forward to that doesn't come with any baggage." Cody took a deep breath after that run-on sentence.

"But she knew about it. And she never told you." Zack protested.

"Yes. But I believe her when she says she thought she was doing the right thing. Honestly, I'm glad she was there. Bailey wasn't alone." The last of the dishes were loaded into the machine and the beginning of the cycle started to emanate.

Jackson leaned around his chair smiling devilishly. "You should ask him about how they make plans. It's really cute."

Cody's arms went wide, "what the fuck, man? Is there something about my love life that you don't know?"

"Say 'swear jar' one more time, Jackson." Zack warned, pointing a finger at his husband. This was not the time for piety.

Jackson held up his hands in surrender turning back around. "Okay, but just know I'm keeping a tally." Both twins rolled their eyes in silent communication. "I saw that."

"No you didn't," Cody scoffed. He did like the way they planned their little get togethers though. She only came to his apartment, he never went to hers. He always had dinner waiting for either before or after, depending on how hungry they were for each other. And then they would either cuddle for a time in bed, or she would dress herself in one of his dress shirts and they would sit and listen to music and watch the lights of the city.

They never talked about anything personal over text, leaving that for when they were together. If you looked at a text conversation of theirs it would be incredibly confusing. One might think that he was running a take out restaurant.

London: I'd like to make a reservation for 7pm.

Cody: That can be arranged. Do you know what you would like to order?

London: #8 off the menu
Cody: See you then.

London: Until then ;)

Cody had given her a list of dishes he could make on short notice and he let her decide what they would be eating. It did feel nice to cook for someone and he hated leftovers. The whole reheating process still grossed him out.

"You know she's coming tomorrow and New Years, right?" Jackson quipped.

"What? No! Why would you invite her?" Cody was starting to panic.

"Because she's our friend? Why wouldn't I?"

Cody practically got on his knees attempting to beg Jackson to reconsider. "You know how awkward this is going to be, right? We're not dating. We're not going to be all kissing under the mistletoe or anything. And what if you've invited someone that I really do want to connect with? You'd be ruining a good thing I have going right now. Why would you want to do that Jackson, huh? Why?"

Jackson' expression was that of boredom. "Or, I don't know, you could be cool about it."

Cody recoiled a little from the insult. "I'm always cool!" Jackson pursed his lips and opened his magazine again, ignoring the skinny white boy. "You know what? Instead, I'm not coming. Merry Christmas and good night."

Jackson laughed, "Oh you're coming. You don't think I know this little trick of yours? You hang out with us before the big day and then try and back out. You do it every year."

Cody's mouth gaped like a caught fish and Zack lifted his brother by the arm bringing him back to the bartop. "You're coming. But seriously, if things are in such a good place and you both are... What's that word you like to use? Copacabana?"

"Copacetic?" Cody deadpanned.

"Yeah, that's it. If you two are as copacetic as you say you are, then everything will be fine. Just, pretend to be me." Zack teased.

"Uh, no thank you. I am cool all on my own." Cody brushed a piece of invisible lint off his shoulder.

"Don't do that," the blonde admonished. "Listen, I'm sure everything will be fine. Besides, it's not like you're going to sneak off and fuck in our bed."

"Swear jar!" Cody threw up both birds behind his brother-in-law's back. "Swear jar for you too."

"I didn't even say anything!"

"No but we're teaching the girls sign language." Cody groaned dramatically and let his head fall into the crook of his elbow on the bartop. This was going to suck.

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