January (5.2)

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She was not expecting the love bombing that happened when she got back home from her night away. The biggest bouquet of roses she had ever seen were sitting on the countertop of their kitchen. She hated roses. Sunflowers were her favorite. Why couldn't he get that right? He was probably thinking that roses were more expensive. Yet again, he was wrong. All she wanted was to fall into her bed and sleep off the sickness. Instead she was violently reminded of why she went on her bender in the first place.

Bailey ignored the flowers, ignored her bedroom, and ignored Chad's garbled tone ringing in her ears. He was saying something like 'it was the only time' and 'it'll never happen again'. How he was 'so sorry' and to just 'give him another chance'. She hadn't looked at him once since walking into their house.

Finally, she had enough. Pivoting in place her tired, red, and swollen eyes looked at him from behind her sunglasses. "You humiliated me," she began. "I wouldn't do what? Kowtow to your bruised ego? Make you feel like the 'big man on campus'? You" she poked him in the chest "are responsible for cheating on me. You" she poked him again, "are the one who provoked the fight that started all of this. And you" she saw him flinch as she went to poke him again and it made her deflate. "You are the reason we're done." She took off her engagement ring and set it on the counter. "I want you out. Pack a bag and when I'm at work you can get the rest of your stuff."

"Baby, sugar, darlin. My little hay bail. We can work through this!" He begged. "What about the wedding?"

"What about it?!" She snapped.

"I just think you're acting a little irrationally. It's been a really eventful couple of months. I know my parents haven't been the easiest but you did so good with them." He was trying to give her a compliment. She could decipher that. But it just came off as condescending. He wasn't her father congratulating her on getting an A on her science project. "Look. I think we both have been acting a little out of character, don't you? This isn't you. You don't make rash decisions and I'm not a cheater."

"But you did cheat! In our bed! I can't even sleep there because all I can see is the two of you!" Her voice was far louder than she wanted it to be. But if she was going to be in pain then she might as well make herself hurt.

"What do you think Pastor Lee would say?" Chad appealed. "We can get through this little hiccup. It was one mistake. Just a tiny one. Our foundation is solid. It's not like it's a pattern!"

"Oh, don't you dare try and use religion against me. Because we aren't married. And if we were I'd have biblical grounds for divorce. And I don't need a pattern to justify myself. You cheated. I don't have to forgive you and I sure as fuck don't have to stay! I want you gone. I'm going to take a shower and by the time I get out, you better not be here." Bailey pivoted stomping back into their bathroom slamming the door behind her. She flipped on the fan and started the water for her shower hoping that the combination of the two drowned out her sobs.

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