Thanksgiving (2.4)

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While lust was growing in Brooklyn, the seeds of doubt were being sewn on the Upper West Side. The last thing Bailey expected at her ten year reunion was for her fiancé and ex-boyfriend to get into fisticuffs. To her, neither were fighters. One of the reasons why she loved Chad was that for his large frame he was the biggest teddy bear. He hated killing spiders in their home. But something happened that made her loveable oaf do a one-eighty.

From what she gathered after the event it was Chad who had approached Cody. Cody didn't necessarily try to de-escalate but according to London he was passive in the situation. He gave Chad three chances to back off before giving him a right hook that laid him out. The worst part of it all was that Bailey wanted to admonish Chad in front of everyone. She wanted to run into Cody's arms and make sure he was okay and pass shame onto the big bad bully! But she couldn't do that. The rock on her finger told her that wasn't an option.

The morning after Chad sported a massive migraine from more than just the alcohol. She hoped that getting socked in the jaw would knock some sense into him. Instead, he continued to brood. London had given her updates on Cody's condition hoping that he wouldn't go to the police or anything. From what London could gather he just wanted to leave it behind him as fast as he could. From a legal standpoint, Cody had a case. It was self-defense on his part and there were at least a hundred witnesses that could back up the statement that Chad was the aggressor. But if she was being honest with herself a little part of her hoped that he would try to take the legal route just so she could see him again.

Chad's parents wanted them to stay in the city through Christmas. To keep the peace, she acquiesced, rationalizing that DC was a three hour train ride away. If she needed to go to the office or back to their home, she could without fuss. So far, no such emergency was needed. She worked from his father's study instead. Her firm had an office in the city but she had a feeling that her mother-in-law wouldn't approve. This way, she was at home, could take breaks and help out around the house. Something that a good wife did. Thankfully, it allowed her some peace and quiet and distance away from the sulking ogre.

A week after the incident, as she was referring to it in her head, the flowers and chocolates and gifts started to come. She wanted to forgive him, she really did. It would be so easy to just smell the flowers and indulge in the artisan cocoa and forget it ever happened. But a little part of her just wouldn't let her. Its voice telling her that something had fundamentally shifted in their relationship. Their trust in each other was starting to crack.

Two weeks after the reunion she met up with London for lunch. Her best friend had been there for her through thick and thin and if there was anyone whose support she could benefit from it was the surgeon. But, even at lunch something was going on with London. Her eyes were shifty and she wasn't nitpicking at the menu like she normally did. In the middle of small talk London set her napkin to the side of her plate.

"There's something I need to tell you, Bailey," London offered. Bailey continued to eat her pasta, slurping it through her lips. "Cody and I have been spending a lot of time together since the reunion." Bailey nodded her head. It was a little unusual but people grow and change and it was nice that they found a little common ground. "At his place." London clarified slowly. Bailey continued to smile and nod, like it was the most perfect thing to happen to the both of them.

London was growing concerned that her friend was not picking up on the clues she was dropping. She waited for any kind of reaction other than the blank content stare showing back at her. London put her hand next to Bailey's, "we've been sleeping together," she said slowly. It took a second but London watched the realization cross Bailey's face and then proceed to choke on her pasta.

"I'm sorry... what?" Bailey croaked.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, but it just... did. And I liked it. Like a lot." She wanted to add that she didn't want to stop but was afraid that would come off as a tad disrespectful.

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