August (12.1)

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The contents of Cody's go bag were dumped all over his bed as he sorted out his clothing, toiletries, and travel documents. It had been half a year since Colorado and almost a year since he'd been abroad. The recycled air of an airplane was calling to him. He recoiled at the clothes he had thrown in the bag. Maybe Jackson was right... Maybe he didn't really know how he was dressing. He shook his head with a 'nah' to himself before throwing the clothes in his hamper and pulling out his desert wear.

He was refilling his travel toiletries and grabbing new ones when his phone rang. Thinking it was his editor Carla with last minute details he didn't look at the caller ID. "Go for Code!" He laughed at his own joke that she hated.

"Cody?" Bailey's voice questioned.

"Bailey?" The bottles that were in his hand tumbled into his sink. He let out a quiet "shit!" hoping nothing had spilled. That would be a bitch to clean up if they had.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, did I call at a bad time?"

He dropped his toiletries again. As his head snapped up shocked. "No! I mean, yeah, kind of. But I have a few minutes," his speech came out rushed partly from hearing her call and partly from the adrenaline of trying to get his shit together to travel to the Middle East.

"Oh, well I just wanted to see if you wanted to get some coffee?" Bailey's heart was pounding in her chest. She had been seeing Dr. Thompson twice a week and each visit brought her a little more clarity. It had been almost a month since she last saw her ex and she asked Dr. Thompson if it might be auspicious to reach out again.

Cody was throwing his little bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and mouthwash into his toiletry bag. "Uh..." he checked his watch thinking if there might be a way to meet her on the way or if she would be willing to meet him at JFK. The flight didn't leave until this evening but he had to go through customs first and that was an absolute nightmare.

"Or, I mean..." Bailey stuttered, silently shaming herself for such a bold move. "I understand if you don't-"

"No!" He protested a little too hard. "I just, I have a flight to catch and I'm getting ready for that." He ran a hand through his hair, whipping around looking for nothing. "How about you come over here?" The words were out of his mouth before he realized exactly what he was offering.

Bailey cut through before he could change his mind. "Great! Just drop me a pin."

Fuck! Both of their mind's screamed.

It took about an hour for her to arrive at his apartment. His electric kettle was waiting to be flipped on when she arrived. Zack teased him mercilessly about his drip method but he couldn't deny that it tasted good. And, Cody was the kind of psychopath for only drinking his coffee black. He'd packed his Go Bag with everything he thought he was going to need, Cody was now just checking his equipment making sure that his lenses were clean and all of his batteries were charged and if he had the right plugs in case they weren't.

He buzzed her up when she arrived and turned on the kettle before opening the door a crack so she could walk in. He was back to his equipment wondering if he should have just let her knock instead of being so informal. It was too late though as he heard her voice calling out for him. Cody popped out of his bedroom realizing that letting her come back was just a step too far. "Hey," he said a bit breathlessly as he closed the door to his room. It felt so weird to have that door closed in such a small space.

"Hi," she smiled brightly.

He heard the click of his kettle saying that the water was ready. "The coffee will be ready in a few minutes," he slid past her to prepare the coffee. "Make yourself at home," he called over his shoulder.

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