August (12.2)

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West Bank, Palestine

In the heart of the West Bank, the dust of conflict settled like a persistent fog, Cody found the region was a cacophony of narratives. Each image he captured was another piece to the complex puzzle that was the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He had been to Israel to capture world leaders praying at the Wailing Wall. He had covered festivals during the holidays but he had never been allowed across the militarized border into Palestine. It was on his bucket list to see behind the curtain, and now he could cross it off.

He had landed the night before and could instantly feel the tension that hung in the air. It was like an unspoken truth that no one was happy with the situation and if everyone could leave, they would. But leaving meant giving up what each side thought to be rightfully theirs. He'd gone directly to the hotel after being warned by his Reuters counterparts. An American journalist could be a coup to the wrong people and while Cody got right to the edge of conflict he did his best to keep out from the middle of it. He didn't need a repeat of Colombia.

Ramallah was a relatively safe city - because of tourism and its proximity to the holy lands. The plan was to do a little sightseeing before moving to the Jenin Refugee camp a couple hours north. That was where the real story was. The sun cast long shadows over the narrow stall lined streets with merchants selling various fruits and spices. Cody knew they all could tell he was an American with his khaki pants and white shirt clinging to him in the hot desert sun. He kept his camera slung over his neck, in case something in particular caught his eye. The colors were an absolute smorgasbord for the eyes. Maybe he could turn some of the photos into the 'whimsical fairytale' his agent was looking for.

The nine hour time difference was trying to wreak havoc on his body though. He found himself stopping frequently for another small cup of espresso. Maybe he could sleep on the car ride there. Though he was certain that he and his fellow journalists would spend the entire time sharing stories from their adventures around the world.

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