May (9.4)

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Cody resumed his text conversation with Bailey. He shied away from any comments that could be misconstrued. However he knew going completely professional would set off alarms in Bailey's head. What he couldn't bring himself to do was tell her about Luna. He reasoned that he didn't need to because it wasn't any of her business. The relationship was too new and he didn't know where it was going. Once it was getting serious, then he would tell her.

Unfortunately, that plan came to an end far too quickly.


It was a warm spring evening where the rain had come earlier in the day permeating the city with the smell of damp asphalt. When they walked, Cody usually escorted Luna by the arm. Tonight, however, he slid his hand into her smaller one, their fingers locking together comfortably. Her hands were soft and delicate and felt so nice in his. They decided to skip their dinner reservations in favor of street food from a cart. He loved that she knew some of the best hidden aspects of the city. It meant that she didn't stay in like most inhabitants.

Trying his luck, Cody wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Her height was perfect for where his arm could sit comfortably. Sneakily, he swiftly placed a kiss on the top of her head which caused her to snuggle into him more. "Oh my gosh!" She cried, "You are so a 2017 Châteauneuf du pap!" She teased. It was an inside joke where they had browsed a wine section of a store neither of them could afford but pretended it was beneath them. Luna was raised with money and while Cody was not, he could relate due to the necessity of living in a hotel and on a cruise ship.

"Oh, whatever Mademoiselle Domaine de la Romanée-Conti!" Their food wrappers had long been discarded so they could simply enjoy each other's company. Since they were in a neighborhood unfamiliar to him, the voice that broke their reverie sent a chill down his spine. He didn't know why he was feeling like he had been caught doing something he shouldn't.

"Cody?" It was Bailey clear and true. She was stepping out of a restaurant with a group of what looked to be her colleagues. Their office wasn't anywhere near so the shock from both were palpable.

He turned both Luna and himself around to meet her. "Hey, Bailey! What are you doing here?"

"Getting dinner with co-workers," she chucked her thumb behind her to a group lighting up a few cigs. Oh he could definitely go for one... "Who is this?" She turned on that sweet smile that reached her eyes a little too hard.

"Oh!" He disengaged his arm from his date. "Bailey, this is Luna. Luna, this is Bailey." He turned to his date, "Bailey and I know each other from High School..."

"We used to date." Bailey piped up at the same time.

"She was my high school girlfriend," he clarified. "Luna is my..." Shit! What did he call her? He hadn't introduced her to anyone and they hadn't discussed labels. Did he say 'girlfriend' when that hadn't been established? Especially when it could be construed as a power play?

"His date," Luna smiled, holding out a perfectly manicured hand for Bailey.

"Oh, so you're dating?" The question was meant for Cody, but Luna took it upon herself to set the record straight.

"Yeah," she smiled up at Cody. "I guess we are!" Her arm that had wrapped itself under his leather coat, tipped him down so she could place a chaste kiss on his lips. Cody inwardly sighed and he let himself a moment to just enjoy how good Luna was making him feel. The look on Bailey's face was barely masked grief.

"That's so funny, because he hasn't mentioned you to me. I mean we've just known each other for over a decade and text almost every day." Bailey was planting her flag so brazenly he was catching secondhand embarrassment..

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