April (8.4)

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"Uh! Excuse me!" Cody scoffed satirically at the blatant theft of his last soup dumpling. "I don't know who you think you are, but you don't get to steal food from me anymore." He scolded as he watched as Bailey happily chewed the delicacy in her overly full mouth. His eyes never left her visage as he ate the last of his rice patiently. Normally, if he had other intentions in mind, he would use the silence to flirtatiously mock his date.

He kept an expectant look on his face, barely blinking, in an attempt to keep her off her guard. Behind her hand she whined for him to "Stop! Don't you know I'm eating?" as broth dribbled down her chin.

"Yeah! You're eating my last dumpling!" he teased. He wanted to make a joke about liquid on the chin and he would rather it be on his instead of hers but that was a comment that definitely wasn't going to see the light of day. The server dropped off their check along with a fortune cookie each. "And for that, I'm eating your cookie!" He swiped both for his enjoyment.

"No!" She protested drawing out the word so it resembled a whine. "Don't you know that's bad luck?" He raised an eyebrow at her as he weighed a cookie in each hand before acquiescing and placing the second cookie into her awaiting hands. The smile she gave him could light up the whole of New York.

In her celebration he was able to get his card out to pay the bill. She protested and he waved her off telling her that she could get the next one. "So what does your fortune say?" He popped the plastic wrapper with one hand, crushing the cookie at the same time. He preferred to eat the cookie in pieces as he contemplated what his fortune said.

Bailey delicately unfolded the slip of paper and her brows furrowed in confusion. "Do it because you love it," she read. Cody snickered. "What's so funny?" There was that smile again.

"Nothing," he waved her off for a second time as he studied his slip like he believed in such things.

"Tell me!" she demanded, catching his skeptical eye.

"I was laughing at the joke." When Bailey didn't catch on, he tilted his head towards her almost believing that she was putting him on. "Oh come on! You have to know the joke about what you add to the end of a fortune! I've known it since we were sixteen." They'd stopped for a bite early in the evening. The sweet spot between lunch and dinner when restaurants were slow because people were making their way home or fighting traffic before making their destination.

"I really don't," she said sincerely.

Cody's eyes fluttered closed before taking a sniff preparing himself to break her innocent naivety with a very crude joke. He licked his lips before he hit his point of no return. "Okay. The joke is..." he looked around before he bent his head in towards the middle of their table indicating that this was something to keep quiet about. He waited for her to meet him and he ignored just how close her mouth was to his. All he had to do was lift his hips and he could capture her pouty mouth in his. "You add 'in bed' to the end of your fortune."

Bailey sat back a little disappointed. "That's it?"

"That's it? One time I got a fortune that when you add that suffix said I was going to sleep my way to the top!" he pressed a hand to his chest sarcastically.

"Well did you?" She asked sweetly. So sweetly that he had to take a moment to realize the gravity of what she had done. Had Bailey made an actual, honest to god, risqué barb?

Cody couldn't keep the grin from forming in response. "No. Now what does yours say?"

"Do it because you love it... in bed." Her eyes widened by three and a blush filled her face very quickly. "Well... I mean... Sure?" She finished weakly, earning a good chuckle from her dinner companion. "Now it's your turn!" She hoped to change the subject.

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