August (12.3)

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New York City

"Well it's Week One of the NFL Pre-Season and," Zack whistled, "I'm calling it the Battle for the Midwest. Both Ohio Teams - The Bengals and the Browns, are matching up this week and while it's not the 1980s any more, these aren't games you're going to want to miss. The Bengals are going up against Green Bay and I predict the Packers are going to dominate Cincinnati in the passing game. The Browns however are going to give Washington a run for their money with the score being a two point difference for either team. Another close game will be the Denver Broncos against the..." Zack's voice slowly trailed off, his eyes losing focus from the teleprompter.

Something was wrong. He knew it. Something was terribly wrong with Cody. They had never really recovered from the experiment that wacko doctor did to them senior year. Jackson called it their 'Superpower' as a way to obfuscate the trauma the two of them went through - trying to turn it into a positive. But the silent conversations with just their eyes was more than a conversation between siblings, it was a remnant from all those years ago. He saw his producer waving at him wildly and snapping at the teleprompter under the camera. It was only a few seconds but that could mean death to a live broadcast. He knew there would be memes and clips all over the internet within minutes of him going off air. Zack threw on his most charismatic smile, "the Arizona Cardinals and it'll be close. I'm sorry Blucifer, but I'm going to have to give this one to the Cardinals. Well that's it for me. I'll see you tomorrow, in the End Zone."

"And we're out!" His producer called. Zack immediately tore off the mic from his lapel, throwing it in a PA's general direction. "What the fuck, Zack?!"

He pointed to his producer "Get Carla..." he snapped his fingers trying to think of Cody's editor's last name. "Carla Weaver, from the New York Times, on the phone! Right now! Tell her I'm calling!" The studio doors banged open as he rushed through them to his office.

"I have Carla on the line for you!" His assistant said, holding out the phone. He gave her a silent thank you and she knew well enough to give him privacy, closing his door on her way out.

"Zack, what can I do for you?" The photo editor began.

"When was the last time you heard from Cody?" He started to pace in front of his desk, the thrumming in his bones building.

"A couple of hours ago. He made his check-in, why?" She let her journalists have the reign they needed. As long as they made their check-ins and responded to her in a timely manner she trusted that they could handle their own.

"I know you're not going to want to believe me, but I just blanched on air-" the older twin began.

"Oh no. Don't pull this twin shit with me," she argued knowing full well the last time he did, something had really gone wrong in Colombia. "He's with seasoned Reuters journalists, okay? And it's not the first time he's been in a conflict zone. Cody is a big boy, he can handle himself."

Zack sighed, leaning against his desk. "Yeah. I just..."

"I know, you're worried. I'll text him, okay? And I'll tell him to call you. But, remember he's nine hours ahead, it's in the middle of the night for him. He's probably just passed out." And this was why she was good at her job. She had the ability to de-escalate even the most hot-headed of divas.

Zack sat at his desk, tapping his fingers vigorously, unable to see the words on the page in front of him. He hadn't heard word back from Carla or Cody and it had been over an hour. He and his brother had a pact. If something were to go wrong they had to reach out. They were still each other's emergency contact. Jackson would never know that truth regarding that though. He could feel his thoughts spiraling again. But he reminded himself of what Carla had told him about the time difference and most likely being asleep. She couldn't call him when she didn't have anything to report.

A quiet knock interrupted his thoughts. "Yeah?" He asked his summer intern.

"It's all over the 24 hour news cycle," she moved to his desk and turned on the TV across from him. "I don't know where your brother was but they are saying it's pretty bad." CNN was reporting that there had been a late night bombing just outside the Jenin refugee camp. CNN didn't have a reporter on location, but there was CCTV footage of the area and fires were blazing all around.

Zack felt his blood run cold. "Call my driver."

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