January (5.4)

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"I hate it." Zack announced at the entrance of the underground club in Queens that London invited them to. The trio stood on the sidewalk looking at the door like it was covered in slime with a basilisk guarding it. The music was loud and thumping so hard they would swear the building was shaking.

"We've been to worse," Cody reminded him. He was not thrilled to walk inside. The door opened and a cacophony of excited screams escaped. "Did she say what kind of establishment this was?" There wasn't a line at the door which meant one of two things, either this place was a private club or not a place the three of them wanted to be. The two options were not mutually exclusive.

"Why did she pick this place?" Zack asked his twin.

"How the fuck should I know?" Cody defended himself.

"You're fucking her aren't you?"

"Wow. Classy. And no, we're not. Not any more. One reason being that she's moving." The brunette motioned to the door as if it held the answers his brother and brother-in-law were looking for. The two looked at Cody like he needed to be the leader. Tipping his head back he sucked in a breath, "one, two, three..." Determination scrunched up on his face he walked stridently to the door. The bouncer looked at him bored and let him in anyway. He tried to not be offended by not being carded. He could pass for a high school student, thank you very much!

The scene before him was the absolute last thing he expected. There were gogo boys and drag queens and a dance floor with all genders bumping and grinding on each other. There looked to be pool tables and skeeball machines around the corner in another room. Servers carrying brightly colored drinks on trays for any to grab littered about and there were bars on multiple walls. Neon lights strobed around the patrons and LEDs lined the floor and walls creating more ambiance. He could practically feel Jackson' grin from behind him. "Nevermind! This is amazing!" He watched as Jackson danced away, arms in the air, bouncing with the music. Someone felt at home.

"Well," Zack's hand clapped down onto Cody's shoulder. "How uncomfortable are you right now?" It was an old tease. Zack really never had an official coming out to Cody. Cody just sort of... knew. Though that wasn't the right word for it. When his "older" brother came out to their parents, when they were in college, their father so gracefully went 'Really? I thought it would be Cody!' Causing his hipster bangs to whip back and forth as his head did in confusion. He'd had a steady girlfriend! Why was it that he was the one assumed to be the gay one? Not that there was anything wrong with that.

Zack had gotten into Marymount unexpectedly. He said he only applied because of the high female population. And, the two didn't really want to be far apart from each other but they did want the experience of attending separate colleges. Zack had fully expected Cody to be in Connecticut at Yale with Bailey so was hoping to get into UConn. Unfortunately, both had their dreams dashed. It was Cody that convinced Zack to go to Marymount. Not only was it a great school but Cody was certain that Zack would be the "BMOC" and have all of the co-eds all over him. Turned out that wasn't what his brother wanted - socially or academically. The lack of men at his school had the reverse effect from his primary education. He actually studied and knew where the library was! He really came out of his self-imprisoned shell.

One weekend, a year after The Breakup, when Cody was still in his Emo phase, Zack invited his brother to tear up the town with him. Zack knew about a new hotspot with good music and entertainment; and, more importantly, where they didn't card. While they had been 'good boys' in school they certainly let loose in college. Cody often let Zack drag him out no matter the consequences. So, it was a gay club that Cody finally understood the hidden part of his brother. He knew something was up when the doorman leered at the two of them hungrily.

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