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'Why didn't I die that day? Why was I the only survivor? It should have been me...'

Ever since that tragic day, more than 10 years ago, those questions and words floated around Akane's mind all the time with no end. Yet here she was, going all over the world from one place to another now that she was part of Monarch. This organization, which has been held top secret from the world, and has been studying the giant monsters that appeared in the 2014, was now known to the public. Akane didn't know exactly what caused her to become part of this organization as they were involved in studying the ungodly large creatures now named "titans". For starters, she should have been mad at the organization like the rest of people in the world for the organization's inability to contain the titans from destroying things. And yet...at the same time...she didn't blame Monarch as they were doing their job, and some of the enormous creatures were beyond their understanding to prevent such catastrophes from occurring.

In the end, Akane joined Monarch due to her curiosity pertaining the titans and what Monarch discovered about their purpose in the world. Her studies that were related with science were of somewhat help for Akane to be part of the Monarch organization. Although, for the majority of help she received, she wouldn't be here today thanks to an important person that is the head of the Monarch research division. Which Akane came to see him as an understanding and wise mentor to her. Well...was the head of the organization division and her mentor...before his passing as he did the ultimate sacrifice. During an event that involved so many titans battling in cities, Akane has gotten used to hearing others having passed away or killed in some places. The mark left by seeing others go away so many times had made her almost numb to the pain. Even when she got the news that her mother has died due to being caught in a titan battle...Akane didn't react much to it. Which sometimes made her wonder what was wrong with herself; having chosen to be a part of the military department of Monarch rather than what continuing the studies of the titans.

The tranquil moment of deep thought was interrupted when a commanding voice boomed. "On your feet!!!" The commander in charge of the transport announced, making Akane and the rest of soldiers stand up quickly. The aircraft cargo ramp began to open up as a sign that everyone has reached their destination, and all passengers began to grab their luggage to disembark. For Akane, it was a relief that they have landed and would soon be given orders to where they would be assigned to be stationed at. At the same time she felt nervous because of another thing; the place that they have arrived at was Akane's home country, Japan, where her father has decided to stay. Akane was not nervous because of the meet up with her father, but rather the unknown state he was in. She had been writing letters to her father and even sending electronic messages to ask about him, but he has never replied once. This made Akane worry about him, as either he was not in the mood due to him still mourning her mother's death...or he himself has passed away. It was going to be a difficult task to request a visit to her father to the higher commanding officers, she was sure of it.

"Something bothering you, first lieutenant?" The commanding officer in charge of the transport said to Akane as he made his way over to her while she was heading to her designated area. "No, sir. Not at all" Akane said to him with respect. "You know you can tell me any doubts you have in mind, and if you decide to change your decision. No one here is happy about the assignment, but they chose to go along like you." The commander said to Akane. "It's not about the assignment. It's...personal reasons. I haven't seen or gotten a response from my father for quite some time here in my home country. I understand that I don't have the authority to go or do as I please. Simply put...I just want to let it off my chest before we begin the briefing" she explained to him, expressing what she thought with honesty.

The commander was thoughtful for a moment before he pulled up the notepad he was carrying in one hand. "Your assignment does not begin until two days from now. If you want to accomplish this assignment, it has to be done with a calm and clear conscience. I give you authorization to visit your family and return immediately before the mission starts" the commander said. This took Akane by surprise, given that she didn't expect him to grant her permission to do such when she was involved into an assignment of high level value. "However, you do not speak a single word about what you are doing here outside of the base. Is that clear, first lieutenant Akane?" The commander added right after. "Yes sir. Understood, sir." Akane said, straightening up and saluting. "Very well. I wish you the best of luck with your reunion and your return" the commander said before turning around and heading towards the base. Akane watched him go off, a bit still in disbelief before turning her head to where personnel was unloading cargo from the aircrafts and boats. The gates and fences that kept the area restricted laid on the far end, and beyond that was the city and her hometown. Taking a deep breath, Akane headed to the entrance of the military base, a small portion of childish excitement returned to her face as she set herself in finding her father.

* * *

To her disappointment, it was much harder finding her father than she initially expected.

For starters, Akane's father had moved out from the house the family lived in, and was now located in who knows where. Calling him was without any success, as he may have switched to another number. The last option that Akane had at her disposal was to travel towards the city hall in hopes of finding at least one clue as to where he currently lived or worked at. Or...where he once lived or worked at before finding out that he had moved far out, beyond her search time limit. She shook the thought of not finding her father in the end and continued onwards.

In the city hall of her home town, Akane asked about the current whereabouts of her father, Shiragami "Genshi" Yashiro, in the citizen's division. Or the last time he was present in the city. "He hasn't been present in this city for a long time. Yashiro has now moved to the Osaka district. Now he seems to work on a medical company, Hibiya. Unfortunately, we can only give you the telephone number of the company he currently is working at for protection reasons." The desk man said to Akane in japanese, having gone through various phone books and computer files. "It's alright. I will accept the company's telephone number." She said as she understood, thankful and relieved that there was at least one way to reach him.

Once Akane got the number and address of the medical company, she headed straight to the district of Osaka. It was only a train ride away, and it wasn't that far off so she didn't have to worry about getting back to base at a late time. Arriving the train station that was in Osaka that evening, Akane stepped out and went down the stairs to watch for a place to sit down. There, she began to call the number of the medical company, Hibiya, in order to get in touch with a representative. At first all that Akane got was the prolonged machine ringing that meant all the lines were busy at the moment. Akane sighed and tried once more, pushing to reach at least one open line in the busy business lines of the company. When it seemed like the last ring was about to sound, a person picked up.

"Hello, this is Hibiya Medical Research Center. How may I help you today?" the woman said on the phone. "Yes. I would like to speak with...Shiragami "Genshi" Yashiro, if he is working in the research center and is available at this time?" Akane asked the woman. "I'm sorry. Mr. Shriragami is not accepting phone calls at this time" the woman said. "It's important. My name is Akane Yashiro. I'm...I am his daughter. I only want to speak with him, nothing more, if it's possible." Akane said to the woman on the phone. They were silent for a moment, and Akane began to doubt if they would let her be in contact with her father. "Please hold. I will transfer you to him in just a moment" the woman said on the phone after they were silent for a moment, making Akane let out a breath she was holding in relief. The phone machine began to ring again, and after a moment another person picked up. "This is Shirigami Yashiro. How can I help?" the voice of a man spoke on the phone. Akane noticed that there was a bit of roughness in the tone, possibly because of his age, though she could make out the hint that let her know it was her father. "Father...It's me. Akane Yashiro. It's...been a long while." Akane said, holding back some emotions as she waited for the response.

A long moment passed before they responded. "Akane...is that you sweetheart?" Akane's father, Shirigami, said now in a voice that sounded more like the father she knew. "Yes! It's me. I'm here nearby. I came to visit you, with the help of the army." Akane said, unable to contain the happiness in her voice. "Goodness. It's so good to hear you once again. Please, come by at my workplace. I want to speak about all that has happened. And to explain why I haven't been in contact with you. Please, understand that I will tell you everything that I've been working on." her father said, also with an excited tone. "It's alright. I'll be there in just a while. And I too will share what I have experienced." Akane said, smiling as she looked up at the city buildings and standing once she hung up.

In her heart, as she began to make her way through the streets, Akane felt a small spark of hope emerge.

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