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The hand of Shiryu had moved on its own, blocking the strike made by the bird monster by grabbing it.

Akane looked down at the control panels and screens, noticing that it began to glitch in a different manner. Then they all turned red as alerts started to blare around the cockpit. Shiryu now moved completely on its own, straightening up and fixing its composure as it produced a sort of mechanical growl at the creature. The radio and video feed then went back online, although still static, showing all of the members back at the command center. ["Akane! Please respond!"] Colonel Togashi shouted on the radio. "I'm here! This is Akane Yashiro! I am currently engaging a hostile titan!" Akane said on the radio, still focused on the impossible that was happening. ["We heard what that bastard said on the transmission! You need to get out of there now!"] Rick said with so much worry in his voice. "I'm trying, but...the controls don't work! Shiryu is moving on its own!" Akane said, pushing and tilting the controls to make Shiryu move away but not getting a response. "It's out of control! I can't do anything!" Akane shouted, continuing to frantically move the controls, and still no response. Movement caught Akane's eyes up front, and she looked up in time to see that the creature moved its other claws at Shiryu. However, Shiryu moved on its own again and caught the arm from the creature, giving another growl before the mechagodzilla suddenly lurched forwards and kicked its opponent. The hit sent the creature flying and crashing towards the other MUTO cocoons, finally heaving the creature off from Shiryu.

Then Shiryu tilted its head back, opened its mechanical mouth, and gave a loud roar.

Even inside of the cockpit the roar was loud and deafening. ["Akane! Listen to me! You have to get out of there now! Eject! The AI has gone into a beserk mode!"] Simon said frantically on the radio. Following the instructions as there was nothing else to be done, Akane searched quickly for the escape pod handle and pulled it to get ready. However, it didn't respond nor did it show signs of any regressive countdown. "I-It won't respond! It's stuck! I can't get out of here!" Akane shouted as she pulled several times on the handle. Another growl from the mechagodzilla she was piloting caught her attention once again, seeing that Shiryu was still facing the monster that was now recovering. The bird creature stood up and shook some of the small debris that were on its hide, facing the mechagodzilla once more. Shiryu Kai was about to make its move, as it went to combat Shiryu again, when the bird creature made a sound that made the unmanned unit stop in its tracks.

The bird creature, having raised its arm to stop Kai,  straightened up...and produced a sort of malicious chuckling sound as its beak jaws moved. "Sssooo much power...ssso much violence...you remind me...of my enemy..." it hissed, looking at the bones belonging to the deceased Godzillas. "It will be...a pleasure...to kill all of you...sssmall insects..." it said while looking back at Shiryu. Then its arm length began to pulse with a red energy, in a similar fashion to that of a MUTO charging up, and then gave a screech when it slammed the arm down. The shockwave traveled all around the place as the energy scrambled the systems of Shiryu momentarily. A moment passed...before the cocoons all around them began to pulse rapidly and start to crack open. Immediately all of the cocoons began to open up, the long limbs of the MUTOs beginning to emerge from their encasement. Male and female MUTOs started to emerge and step out, shaking the ground. Akane just stared in horror as she saw several of them, a dozen of them, starting to hatch and crowd the place. One of them was different from the others, and it was still scary than the rest of the MUTOs.

 One of them was different from the others, and it was still scary than the rest of the MUTOs

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