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The day of the mission finally came. And just when a big event was starting.

The alarm of an emergency scramble began to blare all around the base, alerting the personnel and making everyone begin to make a mad dash to their stations. ["All units report to your stations. Shiryu and Shiryu Kai squadrons, report to your stations immediately. Heron squadron, scramble. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill"] the loudspeaker said. Akane was peaceful reading her mentor's notes when the alarm sounded, and she immediately got ready and made her way down to where Shiryu was stationed. ["Shiryu and Shiryu Kai are now under direct orders of Monarch's G-Team, under Colonel Togashi's command. All squadrons prepare for departure immediately."] the loudspeaker continued to blare as Akane finally reached the hangar. "What's happening?" Akane asked as she meet up with Chen, who was headed to the command room with Rick, Sam, and the other high ranking officers. "It's Gojira. He is starting to move in a direction quickly. There are no reports of other titans emerging, but from our intel we assume that he is headed towards Egypt." Chen tried to quickly explain. Akane was shocked to hear the news. If the alpha titan was on the move, it meant that something was going to happen. She hoped that because of this she wouldn't have to go out there with Shiryu and fight the king of the monsters. "I'll fill you in the details later from the command center!" Chen called out as she continued hurrying off. "Okay!" Akane said as she also hurried to the elevator that would take her to the underground hangar.

Once finally there, she was greeted by her team as they worked together in order to prepare quickly. Akane changed into her pilot suit in the room,  grabbed her helmet to quickly go upstairs, and into Shiryu's cockpit. Once inside, the team closed the compartment from the outside while Akane flipped the switches and pressed buttons to activate the systems after fastening the seatbelts. The panels hummed to life and the screens around the cockpit turned on, letting her see the outside from Shiryu's optics as all systems from the unit were activated.

"Command, this is Lieutenant Akane. I am aboard Shiryu and awaiting orders." Akane said on the radio after making sure all systems were checked. She flicked some other switches as she made the final preparations, some screens appearing to showing video feed of the command center. ["Lieutenant Akane, this is Colonel Togashi. I will be the one to direct the mission to Hollow Earth."] Colonel Togashi announced. "Roger that. Understood." Akane said as she continued making the final preparations. ["Monarch has just announced that Godzilla...and Kong...have entered the portal to Hollow Earth in Egypt. The military has ordered to deploy both Shiryu and Shiryu Kai in order to follow them from afar. We have made it clear that we will not engage by any circumstances. Is that clear, Lieutenant?"] Colonel Togashi said, to which Akane acknowledged. ["We won't make it in time to catch up, but Monarch suggests that the portal at Odo Island may provide a shortcut close to the destination."] Chen said, reviewing the information from the command center. ["A good thing that I will be the one to pilot Kai remotely."] Rick said with a proud voice, Akane turning to the screen and seeing him sitting at a control desk. "No way...how did you manage to get that position?" Akane asked, stunned to see one of her close friends there. ["What can I say? I trained to do so under your nose."] Rick teased, giving a slight chuckle.

Akane was about to reply when the command center gave the order to begin launch procedures. ["All personnel in hangar four and five, please clear the deck."] the announcer said on the loudspeaker, the Shiryu team and the engineers starting to hurry away from the platforms surrounding Shiryu. Akane looked down and caught a glimpse of Simon stopping and looking up at Shiryu, possibly at her as he waved at her. Despite not being able to move Shiryu to return the gesture, Akane switched to the machine's loudspeakes to talk. "I'll see you soon." She said, to which Simon nodded and went into the elevators as the doors closed. [All Systems: Green] read the main computer screen on the cockpit, and Akane gave the good to launch signal.

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