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Two remaining Heron aircrafts remained after the recent incident.

The pilots of Herons 1 & 2 were the only survivors left, the fourth one having been downed after going to support Shiryu. Akane didn't realize what had happened to them due to the fierce battle that happened, and she felt the same guilt as before. But later she shook it away as she focused again on what was happening at the moment. Shiryu was now outside the ancient temple base, in parked mode and recharging with what little the Heron aircrafts had. Some drones that have been brought along in the equipment carrier, having been left outside by Shiryu Kai, were slowly making superficial repairs on the mechagodzilla. Shiryu and the two aircrafts had to return back to the outpost in order to make more deep repairs and replenish energy. But that was for later, as now they were discussing about the most recent and concerning discovery.

["More MUTOs...this is going to be a headache for the entire world. Why have they been hiding in Hollow Earth?"] Colonel Togashi asked in an almost demanding manner due to the stress in the shared atmosphere. ["Believe us, Colonel. We are asking ourselves the same exact question."] Rick said, frustrated as he was seen rubbing his temples. ["This changes many things. And makes no sense too. Those three that are on the surface...actually, the only one that now remains...were thought to be the only MUTOs in existence. But...this? This is a massacre, what we saw in the graveyard. And a small group of them having matured."] Chen said, rubbing her chin in thought. "Do you think that creature was the one who caused it? Because I have a sinking feeling that whatever that was...it's not natural. Even the way it looked and...spoke, as if it knew something." Akane said, shivering a bit as she remembered the confrontation. ["Yup. We were all here and heard everything. I've never seen such intelligence on a titan before, least some impressive mimicry from Tiamat...that poor leviathan..."] Rick said with some pity. Akane began to think of something else while the rest discussed about what the creature might be related to. Then she remembered something that her mentor taught her before...about finding the truth in the myths and legends of past times.

Perhaps there could be clues as to what the bird creature was and its origins.

Getting a chance to enter again in the conversation, Akane asked something specific from Chen. "Chen-san. Could there be any mentions of this creature in one of the old stories?" Akane asked her friend. ["Right away"] Chen said, stating to search through the Monarch database for what Akane had asked. Chen also let Akane see what she was searching for on the shared computer video feed. Chen was seen going through many files of pictures and stories, searching for anything related to the shape of the bird creature or mentions of such monster. There wasn't any finding related to such...until they found something related to it. ["There isn't much similar...but...there is something almost related..."] Chen said as she pulled up the file to the screen. There, it showed a stone engraving depicting a fierce battle between two titan sides. One of them...was none other than the bird monster despite its different looks. "There it is..." Akane said, pointing at the image. She also saw that there was a written message underneath the engraved picture, and she realized that this could tell what the myth was about. "Can you guys read what the written message is about?" Akane asked Chen. ["It's in Iwi scripture, unfortunately. Dr. Andrews would help easily, but she is currently unavailable. I'll try to translate the message with what she has gathered about Iwi language."] Chen said as she typed in her keyboard for the scripture to be translated. Akane waited for the translating to be finished as she got ready to listen. Soon it was ready, even if it wasn't one hundred percent accurate, and Chen began to read;

'During the ages of old and great empires, humanity began to grow both close and far with nature. With the accumulation of knowledge, some began to become distant from civilization in order to preserve their connection with the titans. While others persisted in advancement and development regardless of whether they broke the code of the natural order or not. One day, as civilization was about to reach its maximum potential, a large star fell from the skies and crashed into the earth. What happened next led to a chain of events that plunged the world into chaos, but the most important part was what happened at the beginning. Within the large mountain that fell from the heavens, emerged large and powerful creatures that shifted the balance of nature into despair. These were the MUTOs, which deprived the earth clean of life. Among these creatures was a...sadistic and bloodthirsty monster unlike the world has ever seen.'

'They named this creature...Gigan. The Heinous Monster.'

'This heartless monster led the MUTOs into attacking all the titans across the world, showing no mercy to anyone or anything that opposed them in their rampage. It used the other MUTOs and other titans that have joined its cause to trample all life on the surface. It was the united effort of the titans and the humans that made possible the retreat of the invaders. The strongest species of them all were the remaining "star eaters"...the alpha Gojira species. The first one defeated a MUTO Prime at the cost of its life, while the second one finished off the majority of the MUTOs. The other ones, however, chased Gigan into the Hollow Earth, along with the rest of her kind, never to be seen or heard from ever again. The Iwi believed that they, Gojirin included, managed to defeat Gigan, at the cost of some of their lives, the same as the other one. However, some feared that Gigan could have won and was trapped deep in Hollow Earth, waiting until it regained strength and returned to the surface for vengeance. Whichever of the two sides that survived could have one outcome; the restoration of balance...or the end of the world.'

The atmosphere amongst those that heard what the story had to say grew silent for a moment.

["Man...so this Gigan guy...was the one responsible for purging nearly all of Godzilla's species. And he's an alien, just like Ghidorah."] Rick said after Chen had finished translating. ["Thats right. Gigan and the MUTOs are not part of the natural order. And they are not meant to be here."] Chen agreed with him. ["The old man would have been as equally as spited the same time we learned that Ghidorah was a false king. These guys are more than just invasive species and pretenders; they are invaders."] Rick said. "More than that. Gojirin thought she had defeated Gigan, and went to a long slumber. She tried to recover, but Gigan was smart enough to hide behind Gojirin and steal her energy. When I came face to face with that creature...I saw that its body was the wrong shape. As if it's been forced to be that way by someone or something. And the way it patched into the communications system as well as hack into Shiryu Kai's AI. Such ability is rather impossible for a titan to obtain unless...a higher intelligence must have given it to them..." Akane said, starting to theorize like them. ["So you are saying that...actual aliens created such abomination? As in...the little green or tall grey men?"] Rick said, now being seen more shocked than ever. ["Thats highly unlikely. We should have discovered such evidence a long time ago, like parts of their technology."] Colone Togashi said. ["Why rule out such possibility? I agree on what Akane said. If they are highly advanced, they wouldn't be careless as to leave valuable things behind unless it's meant for a purpose. Not to mention that the Shiryu units and their AIs have the most advanced systems to this date. It would take several days to enter the mainframe through all the firewalls installed. And yet, this Gigan creature simply hacked into the unit's systems in a matter of seconds. As if it was common sense and nothing more."] Simon joined in once again, having listened to the conversation throughly.

Hearing what the engineer had said, Akane began to remember what the bird creature, Gigan, had said to them through the radio. As much as the experience was very frightening to remember again, she focused on what the creature had said that correlated to a sinking suspicion. "There is something that it also said. It was as if it was speaking to me, inside of Shiryu, and everyone else. Did any of you hear that it mentioned the word "insects"? Could that be referring to...us?" Akane asked, gaining the attention of everyone. ["They...definitely did say so. I mean, we all are just insignificant ants and fleas compared to the all powerful titans. Sometimes they notice us and squash us because we aren't a threat to them."] Rick said in response. ["Akane has a point. And the story did mention that Gigan used the MUTOs, as well as other titans, to destroy all life. Maybe it's like Ghidorah was trying to do; conquer the planet and shape it for itself. And us humans are a potential threat like the titans"] Chen said, everyone slowly started to realize what this could mean. ["With its ability to not only interrupt electrical systems like the MUTOs, but override them to their favor, this would be more than a nightmare for us, who rely mostly on our weaponry to fight. We will all be left defenseless."] Simon said as he too was expressing his concern.

"If Gigan and the MUTOs win against the titans and last remaining Godzilla species...they will take over the world. And no one will be able to stop them." Akane said, arriving at the conclusion that they all hoped not to hear about.

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