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Over the next week, Akane focused on learning and training hard.

Now that she was working mostly where the mechagodzilla was stationed, she noticed some key differences from Shiryu and Apex's mechagodzilla. The previous one was large and bulky, built for endurance and overwhelming power. Shiryu however was built with a more sharp and sleeker body type, mainly to be nimble and agile. On top of that, it was built with a cockpit inside its body so that it could be piloted manually. From what she recently learned, both of them had the option to be controlled remotely from the Heron aircrafts and the base. Or they could be piloted autonomously via an Artificial Intelligence installed in their systems. It would have been just easy for the engineers to have that as a safety feature with minimum risk. Though Akane knew that even with advancements in autonomy, there was bound to be various factors that could lead to serious problems. So Akane understood now why they equipped with a manual control center.

What confused Akane was the AI system that was installed in Shiryu's mainframe. Shiryu Kai was completely autonomous and with almost no need of a pilot in its control center. "Remind me again why the AI is installed in the system?" Akane asked Simon as she was going over the settings of the software. "Me and the engineers designed it to learn from the pilot. From recent studies, pilots have a more deep perception of their surroundings than computers. For example, if you were to find yourself going over to a cliff, the logical conclusion is to find a safer way around to the other side. Or if you come across an unknown thing; you either move away or head closer to inspect. Sure, the computer can do several things, but it lacks that...natural intuition" Simon explained to her. "Huh. I've never thought of such things with machines." Akane said, looking up at him from inside the cockpit of Shiryu. "It's actually quite fascinating from my point of view, comparing and differentiating between the artificial and the natural." Simon said, meeting up with Akane's eyes. "It does sound interesting the way you describe things. For me and the majority...well...I like to watch things from afar than join the action. And at the same time...I have the urge to experience things myself." Akane said, peering a bit down at the open book of her mentor as she was reading about something separate. "I wish I would get the chance to experience the same thing. Too bad that I am basically stuck here." Simon said with a tragic shrug, gesturing to the workplace. "Maybe. But perhaps there will be a chance in the future for you." Akane said, trying to sound positive and lighten up Simon. He smiled a bit, grateful for the encouragement from the pilot.

Afterwards they began to inspect the resonance system, which made Akane curious due to the notes from the book she was reviewing. "Does this system use the same ORCA system as its base?" Akane asked Rick as she stepped out and climbed down the stairs to where the sonographer. "As a matter of fact, it does. I've made some modifications so that when Shiryu is out in open it doesn't summon all of the titans up." Rick said, typing some inputs on the keyboard to make adjustments. "Won't the titans, even Godzilla, hear the sounds regardless?" Akane asked him. "That was the alpha signal. One that meant a new apex predator has appeared and letting everyone know of their presence. This one is more soothing and low, almost indistinguishable to them. Just like that of the human heartbeat. It would need manual control to increase the volume and intensity, which is modulated with the power output that it uses." Rick explained, showing Akane the resonance fields and their components. She remembered one time in the past how a prototype device, the ORCA, was being tested with the intent of studying the bioacoustics of the titans. Akane also remembered that it was the same thing that was used to awaken the titans...and the one named Ghidorah. Thinking about such gave her shivers, but also seeing that someone was taking consideration safety measures gave her calmness.

Next up was the power supply that Shiryu was using to operate. Obviously it was nuclear energy as it was the only thing powerful enough to energize a huge machine. But when they opened the battery compartment, she was surprised to see how little it was needed to power up Shiryu. Even more, how no one that was handling such compartment wore any type of protection like radiation suits. "Is it safe?" Akane asked as she now stood with Simon at the platform situated at the back of Shiryu, overlooking the engine compartment. "Yes. It is. We have learned with the incident at Apex what sort of energy they were using. Turns out, it was an untested type that resulted in mechagodzilla's systems to become unstable and corrupt." Simon explained.

"Or, as I would like to point out...the ghooost of Ghidorah possessing mechagodzilla..." Rick said, appearing from behind them and wiggling his fingers in a dramatic manner.

"G-ghost?" Akane asked, shocked to hear about the possibility of something unknown and scary taking over. "We don't fully know that yet. Although there is proof that the embedded memories of the skull used for the transmission monitor were set free, there is not evidence to suggest that the conscience of that titan managed to take over the systems. Besides, it's virtually impossible for some phenomenon like that to affect advanced electronics." Simon said to Rick, giving him a skeptical look. "Hey. In a world where monsters exist, the unexpected is right at our door." Rick countered, giving a superior smirk. Simon sighed and turned back to his tablet, not interested in starting an argument with Rick. "All I'm saying is that there is always a logical explanation behind phenomenon or strange occurrences. There always is. Not just assuming things that are ridiculous as fantasy." Simon muttered as he went back to work. Rick shrugged while smiling, not wanting to give the poor man another headache as he went to his area of expertise. "And it's a good thing we haven't used any bones of dead titans on the units. We could be looking at the ghooooost of Godzilla soon if we did" Rick added as he called out, making Simon sigh and shake his head in exasperation. "It's almost similar to the energy that titans harness, given that it's just a replica. We aren't going to go again and plan to strip-mine it like Apex did." Simon said in a firm manner, trying to finish explaining about the power source from the machine. Akane couldn't help but giggle as she watched the two start bickering. Now she was more used to speaking with her teammates and learn what was needed to operate the large robot. The feeling of finally doing something useful, and that it stopped conflicting with her emotions, made Akane feel at ease and even happy. "I'll make you proud, Sensei. I'll do my best to keep our promise." Akane said to herself as she looked up at the towering figure of Shiryu.

* * *

The other part during the weeks was training, involving physical exercise and some testing in the virtual simulator. The physical training consisted of much more challenging obstacles and fighting techniques, which was easily on par with ranger training that only a few soldiers could achieve. Yet Akane went through the various phases with no trouble due to her already having similar training before. And even when some difficult parts came her way, she managed to pull things off with no trouble and seemed to impress the instructors.  The virtual training was something else entirely that Akane had to go through. Before she could fully pilot Shiryu to its first walk cycle out of the hangar, Akane had to be familiarized with the controls. To do that, she had to go through various stages of virtual simulations to be ready. Which...was quite the new and frustrating experience for Akane. It was way different than that of a flight simulator, which was easy due to the basic mechanics of it. In Shiryu's piloting simulations, one had to execute the right toggle tilt and rudder movement to be in par with the walking cycle. To add on to that, the AI that assisted Akane was at first "flimsy", in a way to describe its intervention when a fall or trip was about to occur, even when Akane was prepared. Simon had once said before that the AI was starting to learn from her, and that she should be patient while continuing to practice. Just like he said, in no time the AI began to cooperate with Akane as both became synchronized and the walk cycle was as easy as breathing.

And lastly, as per orders from Colonel Togashi, Akane was tasked to learn how to fight with Shiryu. She clearly understood that it was a precaution taken for safety, and that she would have to engage in actual combat only if the situation was necessary. Even if Monarch at the Japanese military base was tasked with exploration purposes and nothing more. Everyone had to be ready when the worst and unexpected happened; a confrontation between any titan, especially the alpha of them. There was one thing for certain; Apex's mechagodzilla proved to be an enemy to Godzilla, and he wouldn't tolerate seeing another impostor in his domain now. Be it that Shiryu didn't pose a threat or was seen as a challenger, Monarch was doing everything in their power to keep the machines a secret to avoid such violent confrontation. And Akane was aware of that fact now that the superiors have discussed it publicly to everyone on the base. Despite her initial fears of fighting titans, she was certain that with Simon, team Shiryu, Dr. Rick, Dr. Chen, and Colonel Togashi lending her their support, Akane had nothing to fear. It's more, nowadays she has been feeling much more calmer rather than on edge like before.

With a couple of days to go before Akane would be approved to head out, and Shiryu be ready for deployment, she continued to train and learn for the upcoming mission.

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