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The explosion ceased, and Shiryu soon descended to land on the ground.

The titans and the mechs with their pilots watched everything unfold, having not moved so they wouldn't interfere. ["Holy crap...that was amazing..."] Andrew said. ["You did it...that guy is toast."] Rick said, still in awe for what they have witnessed. Akane panted as she regained her breath, letting go from the controllers to wipe off the sweat that has accumulated on her face. Now that she had calmed down from such exhilarating and intense fight, she now saw what was shown in the display screens in front of her. A warning was blaring that high levels of radiation have leaked into the cockpit, exposing her to a great amount of it. On top of that, there was a message that said [SYSTEM OVERHEAT. REACTOR MELTDOWN IMMINENT. COOLING LEVELS CRITICAL] as a main primary warning. The energy that emitted from Shiryu's body and dorsal plates continued to flow constant, the entire frame having overheated some percentage. Akane realized that there would probably be little time until the meltdown point was either reached or avoided, but she knew that it was the least of her problems. Right now, she focused ahead to determine if she had truly defeated Gigan or not. Suddenly, Akane detected movement up ahead from behind the dust cloud, where the alien titan was thrown down.

Sure enough...Gigan began to rise from the ground again. Shiryu snarled as they saw the alien titan stand up to its feet once more, the dorsal plates crackling to charge up. "No...we aren't done yet." Akane said, correcting the answer from her friend as she narrowed her eyes at the alien titan. She grabbed the controls again to pilot the mechagodzilla, despite the warnings blaring around the screens. Gigan was seen struggling to stand up using its pincers, body twitching as it fought against the pain inflicted by the injuries. "You instectsss...you cannot defeat me.....I am the greatest...AND I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO STANDS IN MY WAY!!!" Gigan screeched, roaring in rage as its body began to glow once more. The eye visor, having cracked a small percentage, glowed intensely red as it began to charge up for a powerful laser attack. Akane gripped the controls tightly as she faced the alien titan, not scared to move away as she moved Shiryu and charged it up for another maser cannon shot. She made Shiryu stand defiantly against the alien titan as both were ready to counter attack. In moments, Gigan let out a loud screech and fired its laser, Shiryu roaring and firing its maser beam in return.

Both attacks clashed together in midair, creating a bright flash of reacting light in the middle.

Gigan concentrated on firing its laser, increasing the output to maximum in order to overpower Shiryu. The mechagodzilla kept on firing its beam at the laser, struggling to push back so that it didn't give way to the attack. Gradually, Gigan's beam began to slowly near Shiryu, threatening to destroy them. Akane felt a slight pang of panic, yet she focused to continue firing with Shiryu. "Come on! Is that the best you can do? Give it all you have!!!" Akane shouted at the top of her lungs, increasing the output despite the dangers of doing so. Shiryu roared as its dorsal plates began to charge up with even more power, powering its maser beam to become more powerful. The beam increased in intensity, going from its usual unstable electric beam to a thin yet ungodly powerful laser beam of energy. The powerful laser beam of Shiryu now pushed back at Gigan's laser attack, gradually piercing right though as it obliterated the attack. Gigan screeched and tried to maximize the output, but it was too late. In a blinding flash, the powerful laser beam crashed into Gigan's head, right in the front of its face where the laser was emitted from its visor. The destruction of its visor eyes caused a small explosion, before it became a larger explosion that compared to a small hydrogen bomb. The explosion was so large and powerful that it made the ground crack open, revealing that all laid a lava field.

The cracks that were caused by the explosion began to spread all all around the floor where the titans and mechs stood, making them step back so they wouldn't fall into the lava. Both Shiryu and Akane were unfazed and didn't move from where they stood as they finished the attack, not minding that cracks were made and almost made them fall into the lava beneath. The smoke and destruction from the large explosion soon ceased, revealing a damaged and wounded Gigan laying to the side on the stone floor. The alien titan's body was twitching slightly with unbearable pain, having suffered severe burn marks all over and its visor covering its eyes seen having been broken. They tried to move slowly, but due to the injuries, it struggled to even get a single inch away. Shiryu made its way over to it with slow stomping footsteps, making the earth tremble beneath its feet as it loomed over Gigan. Akane stared down at the alien titan without a small shred of remorse despite her being tired. The mechagodzilla gave a deep growl to express both of their menacing intent towards them as the two arm blades were prepared to impale.

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