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Both titan groups closed in on one another to clash and begin the real battle.

Akane aimed the EM assault rifle and fired at the alien titan, testing its defense against the weapons. The special bullets seemed to contact the shield that Gigan had placed around and deflect, though some of them went through the barrier to hit the alien titan. This made Gigan snarl angrily and dive down at Shiryu, extending its sword pincers to go for a slash at the mechagodzilla. Akane expertly piloted Shiryu out of the way by boosting away using the heel thrusters, also using the low gravity to assist. Shiryu's feet planted themselves on a large boulder, and Akane quickly made the mechagodzilla thrust forwards from there to get back to Gigan, who was now on the ground. The alien titan was about to slash at Shiryu, but Akane fired the shoulder laser cannon and the missiles to keep testing Gigan's shield for a weakness.

The shield from Gigan deflected the laser beams, but the missiles hit and pushed them back, a few gaps being shown on the shield's surface. Upon closer inspection, Akane realized that the shield was meant for defense against energy weapons, but not much for physical ones. So, quickly taking that into account, Akane pulled Shiryu back in order to aim the railgun and fire a round. Unfortunately, the recoil was strong, and due to the low gravity, it made Shiryu fall backwards as the railgun round shot through the air. The shot pierced right through Gigan's shield, but missed its target as it nicked its shoulder. Seeing that its shield was pierced, Gigan let out an angry roar and charged towards Shiryu, extending its sword pincers to go for close quarters combat. Akane made Shiryu stand up again and put away the assault rifle, now switching to fight Gigan head on as she deployed Shiryu's vibrating arm blades.

Gigan let out a screech and then jumped up, slamming down the sword pincers to clash against Shiryu's blades. The clash sent sparks flying, the blades pushing against each other as the alien titan and mechagodzilla tried to overtake one another. Then Gigan pulled back and swiped its sword pincers to slash at Shiryu's head, but Akane saw the move coming and ducked down. The AI began to act up again, but this time Shiryu himself intervened to quickly deploy the maser cannon and fire directly at Gigan's chest. The beam hit the alien monster and pushed it back, making it screech in pain and fall back. Not letting them a chance to recover, Akane piloted Shiryu to give Gigan a punch on the chest as well as a kick, taking it down. Seeing that it was down, Akane quickly piloted Shiryu to run forwards to jump up, ready to slash down at Gigan with the blades. However, Gigan recovered and flew away before Shiryu could reach them. Once at a safe distance in the air, the alien titan roared and shot its powerful red laser down at Shiryu. Akane pulled up both blades in front to shield Shiryu from the attack, the beam hitting the blades and deflecting some bits away from the mechagodzilla. The blades heated up, but continued to remain solid as they protected Shiryu and Akane from getting hit. Once the beam ceased from firing and the smoke cleared, Akane boosted Shiryu up to the air using the vernier thrusters to get to Gigan in the air and attack them. Gigan just flew out of the way, and Akane moved Shiryu's head to fire the maser cannon and the shoulder laser to hit the alien titan.

While Akane was busy with Gigan, she caught brief glimpses of what the other titans were doing to take down the MUTO servants. Gojirin fought like any other Godzilla would be seen fighting; firing her atomic breath, ramming against opponents, heaving them up and throwing them away, slashing with her claws, and using her tail to swipe or knock them out or down. It was difficult for Gojirin to focus on one opponent, especially the MUTOs that were big or could fly which went around and got the chance to catch the female Godzilla unaware. Luckily, there was Mothra to intervene and aid the titans, who could fly much more better than the male MUTOs. The moth titan flew around expertly through the air, using her silk to immobilize her opponents. For close combat, she used her sharp legs and pincers to slash at the MUTOs, her stinger to pierce their hides, and even her jaws to severely maim a few of them. When Gojirin was in trouble, Mothra flew to her aid and used her own wings to clasp them together, creating a sonic blast that knocked the opponent down and acted like a biological flashbang. While Mothra kept those on the air, and sometimes on the ground, busy in order to help aid the titans, Anguirus also helped Gojirin with the ground opponents. The armored and spiked titan gave out angry bellows as he charged towards all nearby MUTOs, crashing into them or rolling into a ball of pain in order to trip his opponents. He even used his tail to give painful swipes at the creatures, and further going to the point of biting their legs like a large infuriated canine titan. The MUTO's did what they could to trample or bash the three titans into submission while Gigan and Shirty continued to fight.

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