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Once the partial repairs were done, the command center ordered for return back to the base.

The trip back to the portal was...weird. It was to be expected as there was gravity everywhere around, and the only way to get to the portal was to follow the rules. A climb, or walk, up the borders of the Hollow Earth was an easy task despite the evident risks. Even so, Akane managed to pilot Shiryu up the walls and to the "ceiling" where the portal was. The same portal that she and the rest came through. She saw the Heron aircrafts dive in first in order to let them get through safely. When she was about to make a jump for it, a small squeak made Akane turn around. Behind Shiryu...was the small shape of Chibisuke trying to catch up with the mechagodzilla. Far behind him was his mother, Gojirin, following him to make sure her hatchling remained safe. "Chibisuke? What are you doing here?" Akane asked in surprise, moving Shiryu to kneel down. The small Godzilla hatchling gave squeaks and raised up its miniature claws up to Shiryu, as if he wanted to be carried by them again. "Oh...I'm sorry, Chibi. But you can't come with me. I don't know if you will be welcome up in the surface, including your mother." Akane said, moving a mechanical hand to gently pat Chibisuke's head, and looking up at Gojirin. The female Godzilla watched intently how the two of them interacted, observing if anything went wrong. "I have to go. Shiryu needs repairs to go fight the big bad bird monster that attacked you and mommy. You will be safe here. I will return before you know it." Akane said, lifting the hand off from Chibisuke and straightening Shiryu up before turning around and heading to the edge where the portal was situated beneath.

Another squeak was heard, and Akane noticed that Chibisuke had moved closer to Shiryu. "No! Go back to your mother." Akane said, a bit firmly as he moved a mechanized hand again and nudged the hatchling gently on the chest. The small Godzilla gave a sort of snort/sneeze, growling as if he was firm in following her. So, with a sigh, Akane moved Shiryu around again and used both of its arms to pick Chibisuke up and walk over to Gojirin. She set the small hatchling down at the titan's feet and straightened up, looking straight at Gojirin's face. "Please keep him close. I guess he has taken so much of a liking to me." Akane said to the titan, knowing she didn't understand her as Shiryu was moved to step back. Strangely enough, Gojirin looked down and gave a large snort, gaining Chibisuke's attention and making him lower down. Seeing the obedient posture from the hatchling, the female Godzilla bent down and carefully picked Chibisuke up in its maw. Almost in a similar fashion like a cat or a dog picking up their newborns. Then Gojirin's began to stomp away from Shiryu in order to take Chibisuke away.

Akane couldn't help but smile as she saw them go away, before turning around to make Shiryu jump into the portal towards the surface.

* * *

Time passed quickly once Akane and Shiryu arrived back at Odo Island. The Argo carrier pick up, the travel across the ocean back to base, and the descent, all passed by quickly.

It was a good thing that time passed rapidly in that way, otherwise Akane wouldn't have had the chance to hear the beginning of the discussion. Once Shiryu had arrived, the personnel around the base began to work quickly on the more deeper repairs and overhaul of the mechagodzilla. Akane stepped out from the cockpit and took off her helmet, the medics rushing up to her in order to check for her health as a precaution. Thankfully there was no problems, and the medics let her go so that she could change out from her pilot suit. Akane changed and got cleaned quickly, now back into her uniform in order to head straight to the briefing room as ordered. Once she went inside, Akane saw that nearly everyone was inside. Those included other high ranking officers, along with several experts from Monarch, and, of course, the Shiryu team that worked on the machine. She politely entered the room and walked over to take a seat near the large table, next to her friends as a preference.

"Alright, gentlemen, ladies, let us begin. Due to the recent discovery and the major threat that it poses, we have a short amount of time to develop a countermeasure against these titans. Especially the lead titan that is now guiding them across the Hollow Earth realm. So, I first need a report on all Monarch branches in order to have a decent picture of the current whereabouts of these things. Once that is covered, we will begin with developing the plan." Colonel Togashi announced as he and everyone sat down, giving a hand gesture to the group responsible for gathering the specified type of information. "Based on our current monitors and models, the outpost at Lake Tai in China has registered an increase in radio interference. Possibly the MUTOs heading their way underneath. The Nui Bay outpost has gotten bizarre messages in the form of coding. Leaning to the possibility that it is Gigan doing this. We also gathered some data on the rouge mechagodzilla, Shiryu Kai, that has been reported to be amongst the group. Models indicate that the targets are moving west, possibly towards the republic of Russia." a man said as he pulled up the data that has been gathered into a model chart. Some of the high ranking officers now seemed concerned, mainly those that belonged to the targeted country. The majority were also concerned because of the weird symbols displayed at random across one of the photos. This was definitely the work of Gigan, no doubt about it, and clear evidence that it was advancing. Before Akane could try to theorize what those could mean, the rest continued with the options.

Togashi nodded regardless of the circumstances and moved to the next group. "Tactical data collected by Shiryu's AI. During the first battle against Gigan, it has been demonstrated that the creature possesses a high intelligence, and is able to influence electronics and bypass digital countermeasures. With its similar ability to produce an EMP pulse attack like the MUTOs, the creature is also able to attack using a ranged laser weapon situated on its eyes. Close quarters combat is not advisable unless that weapons is either disabled or destroyed. Furthermore, the sensors also detected a significant fluctuation in the magnetic field around its body, which is likely to suggest that it is capable of forming a shield." the other woman said. Colonel Togashi, hearing such, passed over to the next group. "Ranged attacks like missile strikes are a good option once we install the devices with shields that will protect them from the EMP waves. The maser canon and a separated shoulder mounted laser system should serve as an alternative. Another good option is a railgun, and an electromagnetic assault rifle, that we have and are approved to use in case the creature has the shield and would use it to nullify the conventional energy weapons first. The use of nuclear based weaponry is extremely unadvised due to the creatures' abilities to absorb the radiation, and could potentially act as an unintended lure which we do not want them or the lead creature to know about." the other one said.

The high ranking officers were seen shifting in their seats, with looks that said they have lost a valuable opportunity to finally use their nuclear weapons on something despite the clear risks. This made Akane sick in her stomach, and noticed her friends have almost the same reaction as her. "The final option at our disposal is a weapon currently in development and in its final stages of prepping. We've codenamed the weapon the 'Absolute-Zero Cannon'. The safety measure tests of both the machine and the pilot have been passed, though installing it into the machine and testing will take months to accomplish. We are ready to deploy the other two units, Jet Jaguar and Mogera. However, we still have to install Jaguar with internal weapons, and Mogera has to have its leg units armored as planned." the man in charge of the weapons section for Shiryu said. "All of these are good options are good...and now a part that has been bothering me. Shiryu Kai, as it's under the control of Gigan. What were the weapons installed on it? We need to also be ready in case Shiryu engages in combat with it again." Colonel Togashi said, now switching to evaluating all possible outcomes. "Mazer canon, leg turrets, multi-range missile launchers, and retractable anti-titan blades." one of the engineers said. "If we are able to isolate Kai and take it down, we will have more time to focus and deal with Gigan rather than another distraction during the battle." Colonel Togashi said. "That is true. It has to be deactivated completely by removing and destroying the override handle. Without any energy, it will shut down entirely. I failed to do so the last time, I can assure you that I won't fail this time." Akane said as she lifted her hand to have permission to speak, seeing that the tactic to take Kai out of the mix was a good one. The other ranking officer gave her looks of confusion, which Akane realized she has given out the reason why she had failed in the first try, and sunk a bit in her seat. Colonel Togashi thought for a moment before nodding standing up from his seat. The rest of the officers and members that were present around the table also stood up as the Colonel was about to make a decision...when all of a sudden the screens behind them started to glitch and become red.

And that was when the voice of Gigan began to speak. "Hello again...a pleasure to meet you...insssectsss..." the alien titan said.

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