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The first one of the larger creatures pounced on Shiryu. It looked similar to Godzilla, but way different.

Akane grunted and moved Shiryu's hands to block the attack, grabbing the creature by its shoulders as it snapped its jaws at the mechagodzilla

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Akane grunted and moved Shiryu's hands to block the attack, grabbing the creature by its shoulders as it snapped its jaws at the mechagodzilla. It snarled and growled, trying to take a bite out of Shiryu as Akane held it back. Shiryu Kai was also tackled by another one of the creatures, though stood its ground as it battled with the opponent. The small Godzilla hatchling, Chibisuke, squealed and ran off to search for a safe place to hide. Akane regained herself and then piloted Shiryu to punch the giant monster square in its jaw. The creature roared in pain as it was taken off from Shiryu, which soon got up to properly fight it. From what Akane saw around them, there were at least four of those creatures attacking them. Having a rough estimate of them, Akane soon moved to truly begin the fight as she made Shiryu roar in challenge. Another one of those creatures made its way to the sides and tried to pounce on Shiryu, but Akane swatted it away with the mechagodzilla's tail to close the gap. Shiryu Kai was also soon brought fourth into action as it deployed its weapons and fired some missiles at the creatures. They were blasted, but soon recovered and went to attack the mechanical titans again.

Shiryu deployed its mazer wrist blades automatically, to Akane's surprise as she didn't activate them, and then immediately moved on its own for a moment to jab it at an incoming creature. The blade pierced the skin and scales of the creature, though not fully, as Akane used it to stun her opponent. The animal screeched in pain and spasmed as the mazer blades conducted electricity and stunned the creature momentarily. Hearing one of its comrades down, one of the two creatures that were currently engaging in combat with Shiryu Kai left to provide air. It ran at Shiryu and tried to rake its claws across its face as Akane was about to deliver another punch. It succeeded, the claws scratching the side surface of Shiryu's face and getting Akane unbalanced for a moment. The creature took this opportunity to bite Shiryu's neck, restricting some movement as Akane struggled to get it off. The other creature, recovered from the stun, came by and then opened its mouth as green glow formed inside its throat and dorsal plates. Akane frantically tried her best to get the creature off from Shiryu's neck, but it was too late as the other one spewed some green flames onto Shiryu's back. Akane braced herself for the impact...but only felt a small nudge as the flames flowed over Shiryu's metal hide.

The green flames did nothing to the mechagodzilla and its frame, only heat it up. It's more, the dorsal plates from Shiryu began to absorb the small amount of energy that the green flames generated. Akane opened her eyes a bit and saw that the induction ports on the dorsal plates, as shown on the control display, were opened automatically despite no input given by Akane to do so. The absorption of the flames into Shiryu made some of the battery levels increase near to full charge, surprising Akane. Thought her thoughts were interrupted when one of the other creatures went in to attack again. It was rapidly closing in at Shiryu again, though Akane rapidly activated the mazer on the mechagodzilla's mouth and fired at the creature's feet to make it trip. However, it jumped up into the air and pounced down to attack Shiryu. Akane on the other end was prepared for the other outcome as she swung around and used Shiryu's tail to bash the creature away. The tail struck the creature right on its jaw again, causing it to growl in pain and crash into its other group member. To make sure they didn't stand up to support the other two, Akane used Shiryu's mazer cables and shot them at the creatures in order to stun them. The electric attacks hit the two and made them shrill in pain and writhe as they were electrocuted.

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