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Training in the simulator was fun during the time that Akane and her mechagodzilla weren't out on missions.

The whole virtual combat felt odd and weird when it was played. Sure, it simulated a fight, but it didn't feel real enough. Which is why it was so easy for Akane to win each virtual battle, even the most difficult ones. In the end, it only served as a hobby nowadays rather than training. Which was starting to bore Akane out each time she was assigned for training. She rather preferred physical training and workout, as well as being with her Monarch friends in the research department in case some new discovery or situation would arrive in order to prepare. In this occasion, the virtual training was different, as now Simon was there to watch her perform. When the simulation ended, Akane stepped out and sighed, taking off her headset as those around congratulated her for the successful performance.

After getting dressed up again, Akane went out of the room, only to cross paths with Simon. "Oh, Simon. How nice of you to be here. Did you watch how I performed?" Akane said, smiling as both stopped to face each other. "I was. You noticed me from inside the simulation dome. Impressive." Simon admitted, giving a slight chuckle. "There is always a visual of the outside world before and after the simulation. I know a familiar face in the crowd." Akane said to him. Simon nodded, seeing that he was happy to talk with her. "So, what brings you around here? Mostly you are stuck on the computer or revising the repairs on the large machines." Akane asked her engineer friend. "I...wanted to meet up with you because...I...have a confession to make." Simon said, nervously scratching the back of his head. This made Akane wonder what he was about to confess about exactly. Maybe that he had met with her for so long that...he wanted to ask her out on a date? Or perhaps show her some new secret upgrades before? Akane thought about these, but then left the assumptions to be confirmed later. "Ah...a confession? Tell me. What is it about?" Akane asked Simon. He turned his head around to the sides, checking to see if someone was out of earshot. "It's something very important. Something that we should talk about in private." Simon said, now having a face that expressed seriousness in the matter. "Oh...well...alright. Where do you want us to speak?" Akane asked. "Follow me." Simon said as he began to lead her around the base.

Both of them arrived at a room, which was the research laboratory for Monarch. Once inside, Simon locked the door and made sure that there was no one outside by checking the door window...and then covering it with a hanging towel. Once that was done, Simon turned back to Akane as he was ready to speak. "So...what was it that you wanted to talk about in secret?" Akane said, sitting down on a tall stool. Simon seemed like he was having trouble trying to muster the courage doing so...before he exhaled and went to sit on another seat in front of Akane. "Promise me that you won't tell anyone. I can assure you that it won't involve you into something dangerous. Well...it could possibly, but I've deemed this moment to be crucial for what I am about to show." Simon said, hands clasped together. "It depends whether it's good, bad...or something of high importance for you to tell me in this place" Akane said, sensing that he was being serious about it. Simon then closed his eyes, thinking for a moment, before finally letting go of his own hands.

"Have you ever wondered why everyone has been developing so much advanced technology recently? Flying ships and andvanced systems, those that were only present in fiction. This sort of technology should have arrived centuries more into the future. Unless...someone of "higher intelligence", like you mentioned before when you met Gigan, has given it out." Simon explained. Akane thought for a moment, remembering what she said before long ago, before she began to come to some conclusions. "You are telling me...that all of this has been created, or shared, by someone...not of this world?" Akane asked, making Simon nod in agreement. "All the science fiction stories and products that have been made by humanity have led to the one question; if they are alone in the universe. Well...they aren't. Life exists far across the universe...far from the reach of each other." Simon said, starting to get up from his seat. "What I am trying to say, is that aliens exist. And I...am one of them" he said finally, looking down at Akane.

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