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After hours of travel from the Hollow Earth back to the surface, Akane found herself having fallen asleep during the journey.

She awoke in a medical bed, not remembering when they have arrived precisely. When she opened her eyes and looked around, she spotted Colonel Togashi, Simon, Rick, Andrew, Chen and Ling in the room with her, watching when she would wake up. "You are awake." Colonel Togashi said, removing his cap from his head. "How long was I asleep?" Akane asked, moving to sit up. "Enough for you to get the rest you needed." Chen said from where she sat on the other side of the medical bed, moving a hand to place it on Akane's. "You fought well, Lieutenant. The military and Monarch thank you for your unwavering bravery you demonstrated down there. Along with your friends" Colonel Togashi said, straightening up and giving a salute. Akane watched him and then nodded, accepting the gesture that the high ranking man gave her with a nod.. Then she looked down at her arms, which were bandaged up to help her heal from the wounds. From what she could see, there were some burn marks from the overheating and the scars made from the red invading tendrils. "I guess...I may have gotten a bit too much from that" Akane said, setting her arm down on the cover sheets. "Why do say that?" Simon asked her. "The meltdown. I...have gotten exposed to too much radiation. I don't think I will be able to live long to celebrate afterwards." Akane said, sighing a bit. "What nonsense you speak. You don't have any trace of radioactive poisoning. It's more, they already examined your health." Simon said in disbelief of what she said. "I don't? Not a single bit?" Akane asked bewildered at hearing the news.

At that moment, a medic came in, having overheard the conversation. "It's true. We ran several blood tests, and radiation ones, and we found that you don't have any except the levels that are appropriate for humans. It's as if you weren't affected at all." They said, handing out a results sheet for Akane to take. When she saw them, they showed that what they say about her health was true. There was not a single mention of some genetic defects or signs that meant illness...even the risk of developing cancer due to the exposure to such was down to zero percent. "This is..." Akane said, still in utter disbelief seeing all of this. "All of this means that you are in good health and no further risk of getting any fatal complications. You will recover soon enough" the medic said, taking the papers away once Akane was done reading them before leaving the room. Those that were in the room watched them go before turning back to face Akane. "My best guess is that the main energy source from Shiryu was what caused it. As well as having prevented from such outcomes. They should use the energy as fuel and medicine, not weapons." Simon said. "Well? Does that satisfy your doubts?" Rick asked her. Akane sighed, letting out a breath of relief as she nodded slightly and smiled a bit. Yet...her thought drifted to another thing as her smile faded slowly.

Chen noticed her discomfort immediately before anyone could. "Is there something bothering you?" Chen asked. "I...kind of wish Shiryu was here. Me and him...felt each other. We were the same, fighting to survive. And...as crazy as this may sound...Shiryu and I wanted to be together." Akane said, looking down at her bandages hands. Chen was about to tell her something, but she stopped when she saw Akane about to speak again. "It's fine, though. Mothra knew the risks, which I accepted. And Shiryu chose to save me in the end. In other words...I am truly fine for how things have turned out to be" she said, this time looking up at them and making a genuine smile. Chen and Ling both smiled at the same time, Akane quite possibly sensing their silent words in their pride. Who knows, maybe the blessing from the mother titan was still attached to her own skin without having fallen off. Simon, having moved carefully when they were speaking, was noticed now at the other side of Akane's medical bed, and then reached into his coat pocket with a hand. "I don't think you should bid farewell to Shiryu just yet" Simon said, placing something on Akane's lap.

There, small and shiny, was what looked like a hard dive.

"Us engineers found this right beneath your seat in the escape pod. Which...was unusual for that to appear there. Anyways, we examined its contents and found that it contains all of Shiryu's previous data." Simon explained as Akane picked up the small hard drive to examine it. "Does this mean...that it contains...his memories?" Akane asked, looking back up at Simon. "Not quite. Something like that amount would have been stored in the central computer, which unfortunately was destroyed. Though, it does contain key elements to its makeup, which means that it can develop and learn like it did from the start" he explained. Akane looked back to the hard drive in her hand, and then closed her fingers around it. "That's a relief. At least now...I have something to remember Shiryu by..." she said, smiling in a genuine manner. "Only the best for Ms. Akane Yashiro." Simon said proudly, fixing his glasses with his hand. "Hey, is this you flirting? Since when were you good at that?" Rick intervened, having a puzzled and shocked face. "I was only being kind and polite. What is it with you and all of this romance stuff you seem to be an expert about?" Simon asked the other person. "I'm actually starting to get jealous of you. Now women like smart guys instead of handsome men." Rick said with a sneezing face. Simon groaned and sighed, rubbing his eyes with a hand as everyone in the room laughed. After a moment, Akane began to remember something else. "What about Gojirin, Chibisuke and Anguirus?" Akane asked. "Oh, no need to worry about them. They are actually living together in Hollow Earth, right below Odo Island, making it their new home." Rick said. "Mothra went back to the other side of Hollow Earth. Reports say that an Iwi tribe has been discovered down there." Ling said. "That's...good to hear. Now I know they are fine. Maybe I can visit them some time later" Akane said, smiling and then resting her head back while her friends continued chatting.

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