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They went around in order to travel back to the other fiery realm.

This one was as close to another realm that Monarch has discovered in another Hollow Earth location. The only difference is that this one had more volcanic activity than anyone has seen. Thankfully it was around far from them and the whole lava cascading was at a safe distance. To add on to that, there were some enormous crystal formations, that reached sizes and lengths greater than any structure created by mankind. Same went for stalactites and stalagmites hanging and rising on both surfaces. Truly, this place never failed to subvert the expectations of everyone. Akane and Rick continued to pilot their mechagodzillas across the smoky terrain, in their walking cycles to preserve energy even when at full charge. The high temperatures of the lava fields and falls around them were slowly starting to make their way into the cockpit despite the cooling systems activated, making Akane wipe away some accumulated sweat that has formed on her forehead. "This place is extremely hot..." Akane commented, letting out a tired breath as she continued piloting Shiryu Kai. ["I feel you. Even if I am not there with you, I can still feel the heat."] Rick said supportively. They continued to walk and progress through the realm, their sensors continuing to map all the topography of the place.

There came to a point where Shiryu Kai deployed the last transmission probe down on the ground. ["This is the last one there is. Once the range is limited to video and radio feed, I will switch Shiryu Kai to autonomous mode."] Rick said, making sure the probe's beacon was on before leaving it there. "Copy that" he said, both of them continuing towards the other end of the realm. When they got there, to the wall that meant the end of the space, they were surprised to find that the entire wall was...somehow carved into something. Upon closer inspection, now that the fog and smoke cleared away, they saw that this place was in fact made. From the looks of things, this whole place was shaped like a giant city, with the castle sitting right above the other castles and wall homes. Adding on to that, there were a set of stairs, meant for human feet, and some others not meant for them. "Could this be...? Yet another hidden civilization?" Akane said, her jaw dropping as she saw the immense size of everything in front of them. ["And this isn't the only one. Godzilla's previously home, Kong's ancestral kingdom...This truly shows how much more there is hidden beneath the surface. It will show us how we humans coexisted with titans long ago..."] Chen said, her view focusing on the image that showed what the Shiryu units were seeing. "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go explore" Akane said, now feeling the same excitement as everyone else.

After being granted permission by Colonel Togashi and Monarch, both of them began to head towards the immense structure ahead. Chibisuke gave a squeak as they were prepared to hop off from Shiryu, Akane noticing this and using the mechagodzilla's hands to bring the hatchling down to the ground gently. The small Godzilla baby lifted its snout and began to sniff the air, its dorsal plates glowing and pulsing a bit before starting to head to the place. ["You think they know the way?"] Rick asked. "Who knows. Maybe this is his home and he got lost far from it, unable to return because of many factors." Akane said, remembering what had happened some hours ago. ["Thats true. Even at a young age, this one shows confidence of where they are going."] Chen said. "Then off we go." Akane said as she straightened up and piloted Shiryu to follow Chibisuke. A short time passed before they reached the base of the stairs, Chibisuke easily climbing them while the two Shiryu units continued to follow them. Once finished with the "short" stair climb, they reached the front of the structure, where two enormous stone doors laid in front towering over them closed. The small Godzilla simply just walked up to the doors and reached a place where there was a hole. It tried to get inside like they knew about this sneak in, but due to them having grown in size, they didn't fit through the hole. "Hold on. I'll help you" Akane said, moving in order to place Shiryu's hands on the massive doors and begin pushing. Rick also helped using Shiryu Kai to push open the doors. The two doors rumbled and made the ground shake as the doors began to open up slowly.

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