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A while later, they all burst through the stone wall and into the new realm.

This realm was in a whole different level than the other ones, and not just because it had larger crystals and more light. When Akane made Shiryu get through the wall to the new realm, she found that they have entered in a high area where they started to free fall. Except...it didn't truly fell like free falling at all. Weightlessness was felt much more, and Akane saw and felt that everyone was falling in slow motion. The speed and intensity at how each was falling felt strange...and it took a while until Shiryu and the titans all landed on the ground of the realm. Akane adapted quickly in order to not fall, trip, or slip with Shiryu as they set foot down. Mothra continued to fly, Gojirin set both feet on the stone ground, Chibisuke slipped a bit but anchored himself, and Anguirus skidded until he stopped. "Interesting..." Akane mused, piloting Shiryu to jump up a bit to test the gravity. All titans were lightweight despite their mass, and Akane remembered how the astronauts on the moon looked like when jumping in low gravity. She chuckled a bit, but then focused back on the mission.

Shiryu's eyes scanned the area for any signs of Gigan and the MUTOs in the vicinity. There was, strangely, a low amount of interference in this place now, which confused Akane. 'This is the place that you sensed Gigan was at, right? Where is he then?' Akane thought to Mothra. The moth titan began to fly again, heading forwards to lead them, and the titans began to follow her. Akane was about to do so too, and then she remembered Chibisuke, looking down at the baby Godzilla. "You can't come with us. It's too dangerous." Akane said through Shiryu's loudspeakers, kneeling the mechagodzilla down. The hatchling squeaked, tilting its cute little head to the side curiously. "I know you don't understand me. But this is for your own safety. Some time later you will grow big like your mother and Godzilla, but right now that is not the time for you" Akane said with a slight sigh, moving Shiryu's finger to wave at the small one. Chibisuke squeaked cutely and reached out with its small claws. Akane sighed again and moved Shiryu's arms to pick the hatchling up and set him on a high platform. "Stay. No following." she said to Chibisuke, pointing at him with Shiryu's clawed finger as she piloted the mechagodzilla away. The baby Godzilla gave another squeak to call out to Shiryu, but Akane piloted the mechagodzilla away to join up again with the titans.

In a few moments, Akane caught up to the titans with Shiryu as they were charging across the ground and through the crystals. Mothra kept on leading them through the Hollow Earth at the front as she flew. Akane picked up the pace in order to now be in the middle and in front of Gojirin and Anguirus, in order to be the first one to see and confirm where Gigan's precise location was. The more they began to near where the alien monster was, the less the interference became, which confused Akane even more. When her doubts became great, she suddenly made Shiryu stop in its tracks, the other titans noticing and slowing down to stop. Akane tapped on the radio and tried to connect with the command center once more...and thankfully the connection was established again. "This is Akane Yashiro aboard Shiryu. Can anyone hear me?" Akane said. ["Yes, we can hear you loud and clear now. What is the situation?"] Colonel Togashi said on the radio, much more clearer than before. "The interference is less at this time. Where is the most interference right now?" Akane said. ["We are getting the same here. And...we can now confirm the precise location of you and Gigan. It's very strange...there is not that much interference now."] Colonel Togashi said, looking to the side and seeming as if he spotted a noticeable difference at that moment. Why is he doing that? That was the question that Akane had in her mind. "Tell me his current location." Akane said as she was starting to suspect something. ["...Up ahead of you. Straight forwards and closing in on the portal."] Colonel Togashi said.

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