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Only the sounds of the rumbling ground due to the lava were heard as everyone fell silent.

Only the sounds of the rumbling ground due to the lava were heard as everyone fell silent

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"Another Godzilla. Just as predicted..." Akane said before the silence prolonged too much. ["So that's why Chibisuke went here. This is their home. And this...is their parent."] Chen said. To confirm it, Chibisuke, who was waiting for Shiryu to come, gave a squeak to them and then turned to the Godzilla, who was laid down on the large heap and looking dormant. It had so many rivers of lava surrounding it, and the lava that flowed down from the ceiling coated its scales and spread over them before reaching the ground. Akane just watched the small hatchling walked over there without interrupting, fearing that any more ruckus like the drilling they made would wake it up. The breathing from the new adult Godzilla continued to be normal, easy and calm while it rested. Chibisuke went up to the large titan and gave another squeak in order to let the new Godzilla know they were there. At first it only gave a rumbling growl, as if it was still too tired to wake up. Then, when Chibisuke went closer to give them a lick on the snout, it snorted and opened its eyes slowly. When it spotted the hatchling, it began to move its large body a percentage. It gave a deep rumbling sound as it moved its snout to nuzzle the hatchling and gave it a large lick, making Chibisuke squeak happily. "Yes. They both know each other well. This is Chibisuke's parent...no. This is definitely his mother." Akane said, her nervousness easing a bit and having it replaced with heart warmed emotions as she saw the reunion. ["How do you know for sure it's his mother? And we haven't had time to know for sure if Chibisuke is a HE or sorts."] Rick asked on the radio. "If it wasn't, she would have rejected him. And I think Chibi is male due to his behavior." Akane said, watching the two Godzilla specimens interact with each other without disturbing them. ["Akane is right. Now that we have discovered these two, we will have so much more knowledge on their behavior and biology aside from the Godzilla we know."] Chen said supportively as she, and others from Monarch, kept on observing back at the control center.

Chibisuke then separated from his mother and looked back at the two mechagodzillas, giving a squeak and going over to them so he could show his mother. The large female Godzilla, upon seeing the two, gave a snort as its eyes widened and then narrowed. This made Akane flinch and make Shiryu take a step back, knowing that now the large titan had spotted them and was getting ready to attack. The female Godzilla then began to stand up slowly, due to its size, and the dorsal plates on its back now glowed. The titan stood up slowly to its full height, its size shown and giving Akane an estimate that it was much more larger than the Godzilla they knew. Which also made Akane freeze up again, unable to do anything as the giant titan stared down upon the mechagodzilla Akane was in. True, she was inside the mechagodzilla, but even the size of the female Godzilla was very intimidating for Akane. Chibisuke wanted to gain his mother's attention, but the large female Godzilla gave a snort to order him to hide away. Which Chibisuke did as told when he gave a sad chirrup and went to hide. Akane felt a pang of pity for him that she was about to search for him, but fear immediately set in as her attention was brought back to the large female Godzilla. The large titan stared down at Shiryu with its fierce gaze, taking slow and powerful steps as it gave a growl. Then the dorsal plates behind the female Godzilla began to pulse into an intimidating pattern, Akane now remembered, as it stopped in front of Shiryu. Akane's hands trembled and shook, unable to move any muscle because of fear, as her wide and scared eyes stared at the lumbering titan.

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