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When the dust, smoke and light settled, Akane started to get back up, looking up at what just happened.

In front of Shiryu, Shiryu Kai was fallen over to its side, still powered down with the handle remaining out. The ceiling spore was broken, having crumbled and now with its interior exposed. It was...empty now, the center hollowed out and with no contents. This confused Akane, not understanding why it was empty as something must have come out of it slowly. Then again, if something did, it must have already come out when Shiryu was downed temporarily. The remaining smoke that covered the air around blocked visibility, with only the outline of the other MUTO cocoons still around while they pulsed. All of a sudden, another wave of interference pulses around, scrambling Shiryu's instruments more stronger than before. It's more, the sound and pressure made Akane's mind start to ring and hurt, making her clutch her head and groan. ["Akane...you alright?...to us!"] came the static radio voice of the Colonel as the interference scrambled the signal.

Another pulse spread over, and Akane gripped her head tighter to keep out the noise, before a much more high pitched noise began to be heard. It muffled all of the noise around the place, and Akane weakly grabbed the controls to move Shiryu around. When the sound dampened and only silence remained, large footsteps were heard shaking the ground behind the mechagodzilla. The pulsing of the other spores stopped abruptly and deepened the silence. Akane quickly truned Shiryu around to face the new creature, and gasped when she saw a large menacing shadow form behind the smoke. There was a singular bright red light that shone behind the smoke, as if it was an eye staring right at the mechagodzilla. Slowly...the creature began to walk towards Shiryu, Akane preparing to fight, and the large being gradually revealed itself.

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This thing...looked something that has walked out of a sci-fi horror story and into the real world. The whole body of this creature seemed awfully wrong, as if it has grown into the wrong shape. Thin limbs and an exposed rib cage that had spikes coming out from the middle of the chest. Long and large folded up pincers that looked like swords were tucked behind its long arms. The hand fingers, claws as well, were tucked in with only the index fingers sticking out and having a hole at the tips. Three large fin-like sails were situated on its back, and its face bore something similar to that of a red visor to cover its eyes...or maybe that was its eyes. The head and face resembled various avian characteristics like a beak that had several jaws which could unhinge, spikes that ran from the back of its head down its spine and to its long thin tail, and a crest on top of its head. The entire body was a dark and grey dull color, with some parts being bony grey and even some silver that reflected some light from their surroundings. This thing...didn't feel like it belong here at all. Akane could feel it in her gut.

Suddenly, without any warning, the bird creature moved its arm to the side and opened its clawed hand, reaching forwards and launching itself at Shiryu with blinding speed. Akane gave a yelp and tried to react quickly, but it was no use as the bird creature extended its hand to the mechagodzilla and grabbed it by the throat. It hoisted the Shiryu unit where it grabbed them, Akane doing her best to make Shiryu struggle. This caused the bird creature to suddenly throw Shiryu onto the ground in a brutish fashion, making the mechagodzilla stumble down and Akane shout and struggle. The whole cockpit shook and trembled, making Akane yelp and try to hold on to something. When the shaking stopped, Akane recovered and looked up, only to find the claws of the creature grab Shiryu's head and pick the whole unit up while blocking visual. The creature gave a shrill growl as it then pinned Shiryu against one of the MUTO cocoons, limiting partial movement. Akane struggled to move Shiryu and try to knock large bird creature, but it only bashed the mechagodzilla's head harder against the surface. The eyes of the monster began to glow more blinding red, and the same ringing sound returned. This time it was much more stronger and powerful, making Akane shout and clutch her head and close her eyes as the noise hurt her mind. The panel screens turned to static as the video and radio communications were cut off by a much greater interference. When she thought that things would get worse, suddenly she head something that made her blood run cold.

"Who...is thisss...?" a raspy voice said, both in the radio and in Akane's ears.

Akane opened her eyes and looked up at the screens, seeing the bird creature still holding Shiryu's head pinned against the cocoon. What made things more frightening was seeing the large monster just staring at Shiryu's eyes, as if it could see what was inside...while having its beak opened in a sort of disturbing smile. "...What...?" Akane said, voice trembling as she couldn't move because of her fear freezing every part of her body. "Your fear...adorable...sssmall insssect..." the voice slithered in both sources, and Akane could see that the creature's beak/mouth was moving. It was then that she realized that the creature was talking to her, making Akane tense up more. "Who...who are you...What are you...?" Akane asked, trying to force some bravery out of her mouth. The creature's eyes pulsed a bit, as if thinking of answering her question. "I am...the greatest...powerful leader...and you...are ssservant to me..." the creature hissed, moving its other hand and slowly running its claws down Shiryu's face to make some marks. "Why...why are you here?" Akane asked, hands still gripping on the controls tightly as she had no idea how to rascals this terrifying situation. "I...was sssent...by mastersss...greater ones...to conquer...thisss world...your world......is deliciousss....." the creature said, giving a sound similar to that of a chuckle as its unhinged side jaws moved. "Why do these "masters" want to take over this world? Why...?" Akane demanded, blurting out the question before fear got the best out of her. "It's my purpossse...my delight....your servant... -it turned to Shiryu Kai that was laying down powered down- ...was eager to ssserve me....what about....you?" It said, turning back to Shiryu as it got closer to the mechagodzilla face to face.

"Will you be...my sssservant...?" It asked with smoothness, despite the raspiness of its voice.

This made Akane feel dread unlike she had experienced throughout her entire life. When she didn't respond, the bird creature got somewhat bored and let go of Shiryu's head, making the mechagodzilla drop down. The crash snapped Akane back into focus and made her regain her bearings, making Shiryu stand up again. The creature was seen going over to the unmanned unit, examining it as it walked around. The visor that covered its eyes thrummed and glowed with several particles...as if it were scanning Shiryu Kai. A moment passed before it reached with its claws and grabbed the interruptor handle, shoving it back into the slot. Right after that, some sort of red fleshy tendrils began to emerge from the creature's wrist and attached to the sides of the torso. Some sort of red glowing dots began to flow from the wrist down to the torso, making Shiryu Kai begin to glitch again and spasm before its eyes glowed red again.

The unmanned unit began to slowly get up, the tendrils from the creature detaching as it finished what it was doing. Akane simply stared in disbelief at how easily the creature learned instantly how to reactivate and take over the other unit. "Ahhh...there we go...all good..." the creature said, seeming to grin as it stared at the unmanned unit...and then slowly faced Shiryu again. "Will you...be my ssservant?" It asked again to her, slowly walking back towards the mechagodzilla to stand right in front of its face. Akane just stared at the creature that was in front of Shiryu, unable to speak due to how speechless she was. The creature, noticing the delayed response, it began to snarl from its mouth and ask the same question, this time in a threatening tone. This snapped Akane back up...and then she felt some sort of warmth flow across her body. As strange as it seemed...it gave her enough courage to speak out a response to the creature. "...No...not servant..." she said, her voice now firm. "No..?...No..." the creature said softly, processing the response. All of a sudden, the visor from the creature glowed bright red as it hissed and then raked its claws across Shiryu's face with ferocity, making Akane yelp as the unit was thrown back. "NO ONE SAYS NO TO ME!!!" It screeched in fury and rage, grabbing Shiryu by the throat again and virtually flinging the mechagodzilla across the air. The mechagodzilla crashed through some of the dormant spores before crashing against the wall. The crashing shook the entire cockpit as Shiryu crashed and fell, making Akane's head hit to the side and weaken her. When she looked up again and made her unit try to stand up, she saw the creature stomp towards her with claws outstretched. "If you don't submit....YOU DIE!!!" It screeched before driving its claws straight at Shiryu's chest, where the cockpit was located. Akane gasped and then covered her body with her arms as she braced for the impaling. Except...there was a dull metal thud instead of a crash, and Akane slowly opened her eyes to look at what had happened.

Shiryu had caught the hand of the bird monster...by itself.

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